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I dared not twist clear around, to see Tulp sitting among the negroes and Indians, on one of the backless benches under the end gallery; it was scarcely possible even to steal glances up to the side galleries, where the boys of lower degree were at their mischief, and where fits of giggling and horse-play rose and spread from time to time until the tithing-man, old Conrad to wit, burst in and laid his hickory gad over their irreverent heads.

When the fire blazed with a fierce flame, the warriors spoke, saying: "Why should we stay in this cave and perish with the smoke and the heat? Rather will we go forth and fight with our enemies, then we may have a chance of saving ourselves." They left the cave, going through openings at the side, and they attacked Issachar and Gad in front and behind.

You don't know how funny you are, Emslie." "You'd best be civil!" growled the policeman. "Why?" drawled out Ambrose. "You've got to keep a hold on yourself whatever I say to you. It's regulations. Man to man I could lick you with ease!" "By gad!" began Emslie. Very red in the face, he turned on his heel, and went out slamming the door. Ambrose laughed, and felt a little better.

It has a good deal to do with my distrust of Starr and his 'Almas Perderse'." At an ungodly hour the next morning Winnie North was summoned to the telephone. "Hello! What the deuce is it?" he demanded sleepily, but the voice which came to him over the wire speedily dispelled his somnolence. "That you, Win? This is Kearn Thode." "What! Gad, old man, it's good to hear your voice!" Winnie exclaimed.

It displayed a good deal of Caroline's figure, which was slim and clean made something like a Tanagra statuette, but less curved. He found himself watching for her every time as she came round, and finally a thought darted across his mind a nymph on fire. Why! he chuckled softly to himself, pleased by the apt phrase and feeling clever that was what it was, by gad!

It is well fortified, and is situated between two high mountains. There are wise, discreet, and rich men amongst the inhabitants. From Tilmas to Kheibar it is three days' journey. People say that the men of Kheibar belong to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, whom Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, led hither into captivity.

"Expects you to write as much as the rest of the papers print and none of the other reporters know me." "One or two of them might have." "But my dear fellow won't you take a chance?" Bantry made a wry face. "Madison Square Garden," went on Woodbury bitterly. "Ten thousand people looking on gad, man, it's awful." "Why'd you do it, then?" "Couldn't help it, Bantry.

That's where the fight is to be," said Wilson. "How are you feeling now?" "Thank you, I was never better in my life," Montgomery answered. "By Gad, I like your nerve!" said Wilson, who was himself flushed and uneasy. "You'll give us a fight for our money, come what may. That place on the right is the office, and that has been set aside as the dressing and weighing room."

Reuben and Gad make their apology, showing that they have no such intention to sit still, only they desire their wives and little ones may stay there: they themselves promise to go over Jordan, armed before Israel, and not to return before they were possessed in the land. Then Moses said unto them, "If you do so, then this shall be your possession.

"George!" Paul and Yerba glanced quickly at each other. "George, set out some refreshment for the Honorable Paul Hathaway. The best, sir you understand.... A good nigger, sir a good boy; and he never leaves me, sir. Only, by gad! sir, he will starve himself and his family to be with me. I brought him with me to California away back in the fall of 'forty-nine.