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'Who'll follow me to Stanwix? he bawls; and, by gad, sir, the Massachusetts men fell over each other trying to sign the rolls." He laughed again, waving my papers in the air and slapping them down on a knapsack. "You will doubtless wish to hand these to the General yourself," he said, pleasantly. "Pray, sir, do not think of standing on ceremony; I have dined, Captain."

"'Fore Gad, it is cold," said Houseman shivering, "but I have taken care, you see, to provide for a friend's comfort;" so saying, he approached a bundle of dry sticks and leaves, piled at one corner of the cave, applied the light to the fuel, and presently, the fire rose crackling, breaking into a thousand sparks, and freeing itself gradually from the clouds of smoke in which it was enveloped.

'Even I! An allowance of I was going to suggest fifty guineas a year, Dr. Addington continued impulsively. 'Now, after reading that letter, I say a hundred. It is not too much, Sir George! 'Fore Gad, it is not too much. But 'But what? The physician paused to take an elaborate pinch of snuff. 'You'll forgive me, he answered.

She shook her head; he still held the glass poised; her eyes met his; she made a feeble sort of protest, then took the glass and drank off the liqueur in little sips. "Gad, that puts fat on the bones, and gives the gay heart!" he said. "Doesn't it, though?" She laughed quietly. Her nature was warm, and she had the animal-like fondness for physical ease and content.

'Gad!" "Fie! fie! Mr. , raise your thoughts to Heaven!" "But a canter across the common oh!" muttered the criminal; and his soul cantered off to eternity.

But he recovered on the instant. "Gad! that is a surprise, old man. Always the lady's privilege, though, to name the day, y'know. I shipped a stewardess to wait on the women had hoped they would all have been saved. She'll do for lady's maid. Also brought along some women's togs, in case of emergencies.

This petit-maitre, proud of the employment, went up to the senior, who had something extremely peculiar and significant in his countenance, and saluting him with divers fashionable congees, accosted him in these words: "Your servant, you old rascal. I hope to have the honour of seeing you hanged. I vow to Gad! you look extremely shocking, with these gummy eyes, lanthorn jaws, and toothless chaps.

"Steady, man, steady," exclaimed Turner, leaning forward with a horror-stricken face to restrain him. "Don't spoil a grand appetite on bread. Gad! I wish I could fall on my food like that. You seem to be starving." "I think I forgot to have any breakfast," said Marvin, apologetically. "I dare say you did!" was the angry retort. "You always were a bit of an ass, you know, Sep.

'You stop where you are, William, the squire motioned to him. 'Gad, I shall have to padlock my mouth, or I shan't have a friend left soon . . . confounded fellow. . . I tell you they call him Mr. Ik Dine in town. Ik Dine and a Dauphin! They made a regular clown and pantaloon o' the pair, I'm told.

I gad, when the teachings of a man's mother leave him unfinished there isn't a great deal of encouragement for the wife. A man looks upon his wife as a part of himself, and a man will lie even to himself, John." "By the way," the Major asked, sitting down, "have you seen that fellow Mayo since he came back?" "Yes; I met him in the road once, but had no words with him."