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Sometimes a solitary fig, or a thorny acacia, breaks the horizon, and there are a few gnarled trees of the scarlet Butea frondosa. On our route I had a good opportunity of examining the line of junction between the alluvial plains that stretch south to the Ganges, and the gravel deposit flanking the hills.

And Patrick went to Tobar-Mucno, and advanced to Senchill et fuit Secundinus solus sub ulmo frondosa separatim, et est signum crucis in eo loco usque in hunc diem. And he afterwards went into the country of Conmaicne, into Cuil-Tolaigh, and he founded four-cornered churches in that place. One of these is Ard-Uscon, etc.

The jungle I found to consist chiefly of thorny bushes, Jujube of two species, an Acacia and Butea frondosa, the twigs of the latter often covered with lurid red tears of Lac, which is here collected in abundance. As it occurs on the plants and is collected by the natives it is called Stick-lac, but after preparation Shell-lac.

'Abhishva' is the extraction of the juice of the Soma plant after its consecration with Mantras. Vitwa is the Aegle marmelos, Linn. Khadira is Acacia catechu, Linn, or Mimosa catechu; Saravarnin is otherwise called, as explained by Nilakantha, Palasa. It is the Butea frondosa of Roxburgh. Devadaru is Pinus Deodara of Roxburgh, or Cedruz Deodara.

Her husband cut the trees in the forest and dragged them to the hut, but at this time he was sick, and her only boy, her future stay, it was, whom the beast had devoured. This province is famous for the quantity of catechu its dry forests yield. The Butea frondosa was abundantly in flower here, and a gorgeous sight.

Both the latter articles were made of the thick strong leaves of the butea frondosa: larger dishes of several leaves pinned together with thorns, plates and saucers of one leaf with its borders turned up. All the courses of the supper were already arranged on each square; we counted forty-eight dishes, containing about a mouthful of forty-eight different dainties.

It must be free from meat. There may be milk or ghee in it, but the cooking must be done in a single pot or vessel continuously; no change of vessels is allowed. Vilwa is the Aegle marmelos, and Palasa is the Butea frondosa of Roxburgh. At first he should live on fruits and roots and leaves, etc. Next on water, and then on air. There are different sects of forests recluses.