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Percy! . . ." "It's all very well calling me, m'dear!" said the same sleepy, drawly voice, "but odd's life, I cannot come to you: those demmed frog-eaters have trussed me like a goose on a spit, and I am weak as a mouse . . . I cannot get away." And still Marguerite did not understand.

Finding no one to oppose them there, they rushed upon deck and into the midst of a body of marines who were near the after-hatchway. "Down with the frog-eaters!" cried Ben Bolter, discharging his pistol in the face of a marine with one hand, and cleaving down another with his cutlass.

'Mas'r Dick. Mathews had returned. 'No argifyin' won't get you nowhere. If I have to knock you atwixt the ears and drag you out by the 'eels, you're comin' out o' that there stall to-night. I ain't goin' for to see a Durwent made a target of. No, sir; not if I have to blow the whole army up, and them frog-eaters along with 'em. Close that door, Mas'r Dick.

There had been some attempt to teach me French at Eastbourne, but it had met with little success, partly, I think, because I was prejudiced against the French generally, regarding them as a mere race of frog-eaters whom we had deservedly whacked at Waterloo.

But the wife was French he himself had overheard her talking the frog-eaters' lingo and, by George, she was a stunner! The baby was hers, and thus a mixture of English and French; as for the cat, he could not undertake to pronounce upon the animal's nationality, for he had not the pleasure of the acquaintance of its parents.

"Queer lot, these frog-eaters," said Pete, going into the street so as to avoid a thick, pushing crowd. "Yes, they would come to a knifing over a count of fish and yet give their schooners to a friend in trouble. Too bad they ain't better fishermen." "Yeah, ain't it."

"That's it that's it," cried Sir Wycherly, with some eagerness; "Fontenoï was the name of the place, where the Duke would have carried all before him, and brought Marshal Saxe, and all his frog-eaters prisoners to England, had our Dutch and German allies behaved better than they did.

Wilfrid Baillon, a cow-boy from British Columbia, was standing near me with his arms folded on his breast and a look of stern determination on his sunburned face. "We must look sharp," he said to me. "We may all have to stand together, we whites, against these French frog-eaters." The tension was extreme.

What should I do, loafing about among a lot of disputing frog-eaters, without a word of a Christian language, and old Frank with his nose in a guide-book wanting me to look at beastly pictures and rum old cathedrals. You would be a fish out of water, too, Ida. Now Conny will take to it like a house afire, and what's more, she deserves it!

One of these benighted frog-eaters would scarcely understand your meaning, if you told him of the existence of such a British bulwark. It is agreeable, and perhaps pardonable, to indulge in a little self-complacency when our right to it is thoroughly established. Any market-day they may be beheld in glorious action.