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My feasting days are over: me no more the charms of fish, or flesh, still less of fowl, can make the fool of that they made before. The fricandeau is like a dream of early love; the fricassee, with which I have so often flirted, is like the tattle of the last quadrille; and no longer are my dreams haunted with the dark passion of the rich ragoût.

Potage d'Artois; Caneton de Luxembourg; Soles aux fines herbes; Pommes Natures; Fricandeau de Veau; Haricots Princesse; Poulet roti; Compote; Homard frais; Sauce Ravigottes; Salad melé; Crême au chocolat; Fromage; Fruit. Humph, funnily arranged, isn't it? But Tibe and I have been living in furnished lodgings, and we er have eaten rather irregularly.

"I am writing our menu, for you know we are not going to sit down at the table like the bourgeois. How do you like it?" She read it to him. "Sardines de Nantes." "Cuisse de dinde rotie." "Terrine de pate de foie gras aux truffes du Perigord." "But this is a feast." "Did you think that I would offer you a fricandeau au jus?" She continued: "Fromage de Brie." "Choux a la creme vanillge."

"I am writing our menu, for you know we are not going to sit down at the table like the bourgeois. How do you like it?" She read it to him. "Sardines de Nantes." "Cuisse de dinde rotie." "Terrine de pate de foie gras aux truffes du Perigord." "But this is a feast." "Did you think that I would offer you a fricandeau au jus?" She continued: "Fromage de Brie." "Choux a la creme vanillge."

This is very fine with a fricandeau, with roast meat, mackarel, or any thing usually eaten with an acid sauce. The same thickening may be added, as for spinach and sorrel. It is as well prepared in a stone jar set before the fire, only it requires a longer time.

And now," he added with sudden transition to a lighter mood, "let Annette dish up the fricandeau. Here's our friend the tradesman, who was born to be a soldier.

Would a well-baked omelette and a bit of fricandeau suit the gentlemen? Admirably? Ah, well then, that could easily be done! and now? in the meanwhile? Only good mulled wine? That would present no difficulty either.

Let me go and see to our déjeuner in the meanwhile. I feel sure that the fricandeau is done to a turn by now. I'll have it dished up in ten minutes. I pray you take no heed of me," he added in response to murmured protestations from both de Marmont and Emery. "I would much prefer to know nothing of these grave matters which you are about to discuss."

"I am writing our menu, for you know we are not going to sit down at the table like the bourgeois. How do you like it?" She read it to him. "Sardines de Nantes." "Cuisse de dinde rotie." "Terrine de pate de foie gras aux truffes du Perigord." "But this is a feast." "Did you think that I would offer you a fricandeau au jus?" She continued: "Fromage de Brie." "Choux a la creme vanillge."

And Mr. Wylder looked poetically unhappy, and trundled over a little bit of fricandeau on his plate with his fork, desolately, as though earthly things had lost their relish. 'Yes; I think I know the feeling, said Miss Lake, quietly. 'That ballad, you know, expresses it very prettily: "Oh, thou hast been the cause of this anguish, my mother?" It was not then as old a song as it is now.