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Desiree pulled two big trusses together, made a bed of them, and lay down at full length. She felt extremely comfortable there. 'It is so nice, she murmured. 'Come and lie down like me. It is so springy and soft, all this straw; and it tickles one so funnily in the neck. Do you roll about in the straw at home? There is nothing I am fonder of Sometimes I tickle the soles of my feet with it.

Rose didn't make a tragedy of it; managed a smile at herself, though she suspected she'd cry when she got the chance, and subjected her ideas to an instantaneous revision. They were persons, those two funnily indignant little mites, with their own ideas, their own preferences, and the perfectly adequate conviction of being entitled to them.

He swings his line out carefully over the water, and just as he is about to drop it in, the little brother, perched on the sloping brink, slips on the smooth pine-needles, and goes sliddering down into the pool up to his waist. How he weeps with dismay, and how funnily his dress sticks to him as he crawls out!

Yet he did not look poor, and his face, when at last he lifted it, was mild and intelligent and very earnest. While Griselda was watching him closely there came a soft tap at the door, and a little girl danced into the room. The dearest little girl you ever saw, and so funnily dressed! Her thick brown hair, rather lighter than Griselda's, was tied in two long plaits down her back.

"I do though, for all that! I" pausing, and regarding him with a somewhat tragic air that sits most funnily upon her "am not going to stay here much longer!" "What?" says the professor aghast. "But my dear Miss Wynter, I'm afraid you must." "Why? What is she to me?" "Your aunt." "That's nothing nothing at all even a guardian is better than that. And you are my guardian.

Through all this Mr. Miller sat quiet. He was a slip of an oldish gentleman, ruddy and twinkling; he spoke in a smooth rich voice, with an infinite effect of pawkiness, dealing out each word the way an actor does, to give the most expression possible; and even now, when he was silent, and sat there with his wig laid aside, his glass in both hands, his mouth funnily pursed, and his chin out, he seemed the mere picture of a merry slyness.

Mind, I say ALMOST, for I never will allow that any Frenchman could do anything QUITE so good, quite so funnily mock-human, as your marabouts and professors." "What a charming hostess Mrs. Le Geyt makes," the painter observed to me, after lunch. "Such tact! Such discrimination!... AND, what a devoted stepmother!"

But we've been to the river with father." "Did you go over the stepping-stones?" "No," said Milly, "I don't know what they are. Can we go this evening after tea?" "Oh yes," said Becky, "they're just close by your house. Does your mother let you go in the water?" Now Becky said a great many of these words very funnily, so that Milly could hardly understand her.

He softened his harsh voice when he spoke to her, and wiped his hands on his trousers before taking her up. When Veronique tried to walk, the father bent his legs and stood at a little distance holding out his arms and making little grimaces which contrasted funnily with the rigid furrows of his stern, hard face. The man of iron, brass, and lead became a being of flesh and blood and bones.

Thereupon the latter took a card from his pocket, and handed it across the table to his new friend. The old man read the card, with his sharp gray eyes, which glowed up funnily at Bert, seeming to say, "Isn't this rather aristocratic for a twelve-year-old news-boy?" Bert blushed and explained: "Got up for me by a printer's boy I know. I had done some favors for him, and so he made me a few cards.