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Next moment Verbitzsky was beside me. "Give me your bomb. Now, Michael," he said loudly, "I will stand guard over these wretches till I see you beyond the freight-sheds. Walk at an ordinary pace, lest you be seen and suspected." "But you? They'll rise and fire at you as you run," I said. "Of course they will. But you will escape. Here! Good-bye!"

Here the ladies were left for a moment, while all the officers again bustled out into the storm and fought their way against the northwest gale until they reached the little crowd gathered about the door-way of the freight-sheds.

I went outside, not knowing whether to be angry or amused with these queer people. In the broad light of day Holston looked as bad as it had made me feel by night. All I could see were the station and freight-sheds, several stores with high, wide signs, glaringly painted, and a long block of saloons.

He embraced me, and whispered in my ear: "Go the opposite way from the freight-sheds. Go out toward the Petrovsky Gardens. There are few police there. Run hard after you've walked out under the bridge and around the abutments. You will then be out of hearing." "Go, dear friend," he said aloud, in a mournful voice. "I may never see you again. Possibly I may have to destroy myself and all here. Go!"

"I am afraid," said Verbitzsky. "Why should I die for your reckless folly? Will any good happen if you explode the bombs here? You will but destroy all of us, and our friends the watchmen, and the freight-sheds containing the property of many worthy people." "You are a fool, Verbitzsky!" said his cousin. "Come here. Whisper." Something Boris then whispered in my comrade's ear.

They ran away from us toward the freight-sheds, shouting the alarm, while we calmly walked home to our unsuspected lodgings. Not till then did I think of the bombs. "Where are they?" I asked in alarm. "I left them for the police. They will ruin Nolenki it was he who sent poor Zina to Siberia and her death." "Ruin him?" I said, wondering. "Yes." "Why?" "They were not loaded." "Not loaded!"