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"Yes; an' I wan' tersay thish to you, because I'm your fr'en'. Don' wan' anny fr'en's mine get fooled on women! See? Thash how I feel. I respec' the sect! See! Women, lovely women! See? Respec' sect! Gimme y'han', buzzer er brother Quar'er! Your m' fr'en'; I'm your fr'en'. I know how it is. Gotter wife m'own. Rotten one. Stingy! Takes money outter m' pockets. Dam 'stravagant.

'A hundred and fifty dollars, sez he; 'but my fr'en' would ask YOU double that. 'Couldn't YOU and ME make a trade? sez I; 'I'll exchange ye that roan mare, that's worth two hundred, for this hoss and fifty dollars. With that he drew himself up, and sez he: 'Mr. Borem, sez he, 'I share my fr'en's opinion about hoss tradin', and I promised my mother I'd never swap hosses.

Then I hear all o' suddent voice o' Mary Ellen talkin' in kitchen; then I come round softly and see Mary Ellen my wife as useter be standin' at fr'en's kitchen winder. Then I lights out quicker 'n lightnin' and scoots! And when I gets back home, I ups and tells my wife. And whosh fault ish't! Who shaid a man oughter tell hish wife? You!

"She don't deserve it," he replied; "she drinks, sir. I got letters from fr'en's " He thrust his hand inside the breast of his jumper and produced his sad evidence a letter from a clergyman, one or two from lay-workers in some north-country slum, and one from his mother herself, an incoherent, abusive scrawl, with liquor stains still upon the creased paper.

"'Too menny fr'en's spiles de dinner, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee; 'w'ich un's dis? sezee. "'I fetch bad news, Brer Rabbit, sez Brer Wolf, sezee. "'Bad news is soon tole, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "By dis time Brer Rabbit done come ter de do', wid his head tied up in a red hankcher. "'Brer Fox died dis mornin', sez Brer Wolf, sezee. "'Whar yo' mo'nin' gown, Brer Wolf? sez Brer Rabbit, sezee.