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It would ha brought'n trouble upon trouble if I had stayed theer. Haply 'tis a kindness to monny that I go; haply 'tis a kindness to myseln; anyways it mun be done. I mun turn my face fro Coketown fur th' time, and seek a fort'n, dear, by beginnin fresh. 'Where will you go, Stephen? 'I donno t'night, said he, lifting off his hat, and smoothing his thin hair with the flat of his hand.

If I 'ave a weakness, Miss Susan, it's for the right word in the right place as the coster said to the devil-dodger as blowed him up for purfane swearin'. When a gen'leman hoffers me an 'a'penny, I axes him in the purlitest manner I can assume, to oblige me by givin' of it to the first beggar he may 'ave the good fort'n to meet. Some on 'em throws down the 'a'penny. Most on 'em makes it a penny.

I don't keer notin' 'bout 'count books and sich, but ef we'se gwine to make a fort'n you got to hab a heap o' po'er in you'se arms. You got to hab a strong back and feel peart all ober. Dis de ony ting I 'sist on. Now how you gwine to be plump and strong?" "Oh, I'm pretty strong, and I'll get stronger now that I have hope, and see my way a little."

The group of farmers, obedient to his command, turned and looked at the speaker, while from behind the stove which, hot weather or cold, held the place of honor in the centre of the store, a shrill voice ventured to question the pompous owner of so great a property. "Be ye goin' ter say, Josiah, that every feller what's edicated at a deestrict school can git ter own sech a fort'n as yourn?" "Huh!

Rooney was driven to push him by direct questions. "For the tendher mercy, Micky Lavery, make me sinsible, and don't disthract me is the boy married?" "Yis, I tell you." "To Jack Dwyer's daughter?" "Yis." "And gev him a fort'n'?" "Gev him half his property, I tell you, and he'll have all when the owld man's dead."