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Denis Maguire listened patiently to Mike's pathetic lamentation over the lost Skibbereen, and then calmly replied, "Och, but it's little that I'd disthract myself for a place like that in the ould country; sure isn't there Skibbereen near the Swan River, belonging to Mr. O'Driscoll, and isn't it a beautifuller place entirely than any other Skibbereen in the world?"

A string of muttered oaths told them of Murphy's return. "Another mouthful o' sand! Darn their hides! If iver I get me hands on a bohunk in this wor-rld again " He spat noisily. "And all for a gun I don't know how to use. But it'll make a n'ise. Maybe it'll do to disthract their attintion till I get me shillalah swinging."

Rooney was driven to push him by direct questions. "For the tendher mercy, Micky Lavery, make me sinsible, and don't disthract me is the boy married?" "Yis, I tell you." "To Jack Dwyer's daughter?" "Yis." "And gev him a fort'n'?" "Gev him half his property, I tell you, and he'll have all when the owld man's dead."

Art's mother, 'Bid' Rooney, is a keen matchmaker, and we heard her the other day advising her son, who was going to Dooclone, to have a 'weeny court' with his colleen, to put a clane shirt on him in the middle of the week, and disthract Kitty intirely by showin' her he had three of thim, annyway!

"Will somebody near the door," says Flannagan, "kindly take the hot-waffle-man an' dhrop a hot waffle down the back of his neck, to disthract his attintion while the ciremonies proceed?" Stevey Todd ran out of the door. But the people of Greenough was happy in front, and the show was hilarious behind. David turned handsprings till he sweated his spots into streaks.