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And the doctor gave him all that he had, the mean-spirited devil-dodger, and it was no more than eighteenpence. Now what should a man of courage do with eighteenpence? So poor Jack was forced to seize the parson's watch and trinkets as well, and thus it was that a second time we faced the Blind Beak.

'A canting hypocrite, a psalm-singer and devil-dodger, he has no civilization worth the name, and his customs are filthy. Since the great trek he has acquired, from long intercourse with his Kaffir slaves, many of the native's savage traits. In short, a born liar, credulous and barbarous, crassly ignorant and inconceivably stubborn.

I'm hoodooed, that's what!" Tramp, tramp, stump, stump, up and down, the two of us. "All right, devil-dodger," said he wearily, after a long sullen silence. "I'll stick it out a bit longer, to please you. You've been white the lot of you.

'I have a great mind to tell him how you watch me, you infernal devil-dodger! 'Respect my cloth, sir. 'Begin by respecting it yourself, d you. What would his lordship of Beorminster say if he knew you were here? 'His lordship does know. Jentham started. 'Perhaps he sent you? he said, looking doubtful.

'Come out, you devil-dodger! he bellowed savagely. 'Come out and give me money, or I'll shame you before the whole town, you clerical hypocrite. Then he took a pull at a pocket-flask.

Two heads better than one. 'Specially the Ayah! We'll pull her round. I bub bub believe, I'm going to make a bub bub bloody exhibitiod of byself. Old bad, what cad I say? I'b as pleased as Cod dab you, Gaddy! You're one big idiot and I'b adother. Here comes the Devil-dodger. I know that I can say nothing now to help Leave him alone. It's not bad enough to croak over.

So he basked and smoked and drank his ale, retelling the ancient stories, and hiccuping forth the ancient sermons. So, in the fading twilight of life, he smiled the smile of contentment, as became one who had emptied more quarts, had delivered more harrowing discourses, and had lived familiarly with more scoundrels than any devil-dodger of his generation.

He appeared to reflect; his forehead wrinkled painfully. "Devil-dodger," said he, after a pause, "are you just making a noise with your face, or is that on the level?" "That's on the level." His hard and suspicious eyes bored into me. And as I held his glance, a hint of wonder and amazement crept into his face. "God A'mighty! I believe him!" he gasped.

There wasn't much fight in old Ben when I straightened him out after that. So he's turned devil-dodger. I must have a look at him in his new capacity. 'Whatever he has been, said Cargrim, who appeared uneasy during the recital of this little story, 'I am sure that he has repented of his past errors and is now quite sincere in his religious convictions.

If I 'ave a weakness, Miss Susan, it's for the right word in the right place as the coster said to the devil-dodger as blowed him up for purfane swearin'. When a gen'leman hoffers me an 'a'penny, I axes him in the purlitest manner I can assume, to oblige me by givin' of it to the first beggar he may 'ave the good fort'n to meet. Some on 'em throws down the 'a'penny. Most on 'em makes it a penny.