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"This is very interesting," he said, "but you should know me better, Immelan, than to imagine that mine are the clumsy methods of the dagger or the bullet. The man whom I will to die drinks with me." He pointed a long forefinger at the empty glass. Immelan gazed at it, and the sweat stood out upon his forehead. "My God!" he muttered. "There was a queer taste! I thought that it was aniseed!"

The elder Miss Spinney, to whom she made this remark, assented to it, at the same time ogling a piece of frosted cake, which she presently appropriated with great refinement of manner, taking it between her thumb and forefinger, keeping the others well spread and the little finger in extreme divergence, with a graceful undulation of the neck, and a queer little sound in her throat, as of an m that wanted to get out and perished in the attempt.

This tremendous admission on her learned young sister's part stripped her of all pretended coldness. Her deep interest was evident now in her whole pose and expression. "Now, then, jest follow me close," Droop continued, sitting far forward in his chair and pointing his speech with a thin forefinger on his open palm.

Oh, and you, you dear old lady; for you can't do much, now that your 'and is so bad." "It do get worse," said Grannie, in a solemn voice; "it pains and burns awful now and then, and the thumb and forefinger are next to useless they aint got any power in 'em. 'Taint like my usual luck, that it aint. I can't understand it anyhow.

With all the enthusiasm of an expert he lingered over the matrice, feeling it carefully with the tips of his fingers, and tracing the device with the nail of his forefinger. "Splendid!" he declared. "The lettering is a most excellent specimen of early Lombardic."

Many of them bathe at this time in the shallow water beside the bank, while the toilet of others consists in dashing water over their faces, washing their mouths with water, and rubbing their teeth with the forefinger. The boiled rice intended for the latter use is made up in packets wrapped in green leaves, each containing sufficient for a meal for one person.

Opening this strange-looking document, Mat guided himself a little way down the lines on the first page with a very unsteady forefinger stopped, and read somewhat anxiously and with evident difficulty then put the letter back in his pocket, dropped his eyes once more on the gun in his lap, and said with a strong emphasis on the Christian name: "Arthur Carr?" "No," returned Zack.

"A bargain?" grumbled the spy. "I' faith, then, the secret's worthless." "Ye think that? Pho! 'Tis not like your usual wit, Mr. Green. The letter that I carried into England, and that you were at such splendid pains to find at Maidstone, is in here." And he tapped the veneered top of the secretaire with his forefinger. "But ye'll not find it without my help.

He suddenly checked himself and his face became dejected and perplexed. "How can I do it now?" he asked, throwing down the pen as quickly as he had taken it up. "Do what, sir?" inquired Mrs. Lecount. "How can I make my will, with Mr. Loscombe away in London, and no lawyer here to help me?" Mrs. Lecount gently tapped the papers before her on the table with her forefinger.

But for Kyzie and Edith and Jimmy the good times had begun already. The five Dunlees entered the house, little Eddo clinging fast to Jimmum's forefinger. They passed an old lady who sat on the veranda knitting. She gazed after them through her spectacles, and said to Mr. Templeton in a tone of inquiry: "Boarders?"