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What's that he says here about nieces, Ju?" returned Mrs. McNally, leaning over her daughter's shoulder, and pointing with her plump forefinger. "'Or maybe one of them three nieces I was hearin' ye have livin' with ye I knew your poor sister Bridget R.I.P. as well as I know yourself an' I know all she done for her family." "The sharpness o' that!" interrupted Henrietta.

"But then, of course, unlike Donald and myself, you had no opportunity for realizing what a fine, wholesome lass she is." He lowered his gaze and rolled a bread-crumb nervously between thumb and forefinger. "They tell me at the hospital, Nellie," he began again presently, "that her absence is killing our boy that he'll die if she doesn't come back.

About here, young gentlemen, here" lifting his hand some inches from the bone "about here the great artery was. But you noticed that I did not use the tourniquet; I never do. The forefinger of my steward is far better than a tourniquet, being so much more manageable, and leaving the smaller veins uncompressed.

" and again the top of the forefinger was lodged in his mouth, "vat is 'skönt'? bootifool? jag tacker; like von bootifool flicka, gal, and ze odare skepps like old vomans." So saying, he raised his hat and gravely wished me good day. "Good dag," he exclaimed again, standing upright in the boat "Farväl!" "Good dag. Farväl!" repeated his companion.

She came out of the tent and stood a moment exchanging an amused smile with Stephens, who was hovering near dubiously, one eye on her and the other on his master. She was late, and Sir Aubrey liked his meals punctually. The baronet was lounging in one deck-chair with his feet on another. Diana wagged an admonishing forefinger. "Fly, Stephens, and fetch the soup!

These boys, as well as Edgar, were giving serious attention to their linen, the care of their hands, and the precise parting of their hair, just then; and a close observer might often have detected them in the act of furtively feeling their upper lips with anxious forefinger in the vain hope of discovering the appearance if ever so slight of a downy growth thereupon.

"We want a key for the castle," shouted Barry, while to expedite matters Peter sprang out of the car and went to the floor of the cottage. "The key!" he cried out. She extended her hand, thinking he had brought one back. "Ah, I knew I'd missed one," she said. She shook a lean forefinger at him reprovingly: "So 'twas you run off with it! I'm obliged to you for bringing it again, sir.

The laughter of these worthies did not commend itself to Liza's sympathies, for, turning hotly upon them, she said, "And you're worse nor he is, you old sypers." "Liza, Liza," cried Robbie, raising his forefinger in an attitude of remonstrance, which he had just previously been practising on the unhappy Dash, "Liza, think what it is to call this reverend clerk and sexton and curate a toper!"

Stiger thought that I might better come here," and he delivered his mother's message in a low voice and resumed his seat again. The Colonel, now that his mind was at rest, dropped into a chair, stroked his goatee with his thumb and forefinger, and ran over in his mind the sum of his engagements.

For my own part, I raised one hand to the salute and held the other upon the hilt of my sabre, looking straight ahead of me, as a soldier should. 'Well, Monsieur Gerard, said he, at last, tapping his forefinger upon one of the brandebourgs of gold braid upon the front of my pelisse, 'I am informed that you are a very deserving young officer. Your Colonel gives me an excellent account of you.