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On this card was the name of the Marquis de Fongereues, and in the corner of the glossy bit of pasteboard was a tiny sign, which signified that his visitor was especially recommended by the Society of which he was a member. He gave orders that the Marquis should be shown in at once. Fongereues appeared, leaning on the arm of Pierre Labarre.

"We are certain of the support of a respectable minority. It is for you to scatter rewards, and warm lukewarm consciences, and I repeat, sir a work like this is magnificent." "I belong to you, heart and soul," said Fongereues, "and to-morrow " "Wait," said Vellebri, laying his hand on the arm of the Marquis, thus forcing him back to his seat. "I spoke of a guarantee."

At this moment a portière was lifted, and Magdalena, Talizac's mother, appeared. Fongereues exclaimed: "Madame! your son is a scoundrel. He is ruined, as are we all! This is the result of the education you have given him!" Magdalena looked perfectly unmoved. "Monsieur de Montferrand," she said, "I am aware that my son has been unfortunate enough to quarrel with yours. I come with his apologies."

While Gudel and Fanfar were making arrangements for the representation of the evening, while Fongereues and Cyprien exchanged their honest confidences, Robeccal went forth to meet La Roulante. It was this amiable giantess whom Gudel had been foolish enough to marry, although what charms he had discovered in this mountain of flesh it would be difficult to say.

"Permit me," he said, "to decline to enter into any affairs foreign to the matters we have under consideration. I came to offer you peace or war. Peace means fortune and power, and war " "War!" repeated Fongereues, "I do not understand you."

"It is most ingenious," said Irène, with a smile "and it shall be delivered as you desire." "Ah! you are a brave creature, and if some day you want some one to amuse your children that is, when you have any, you know send for me, and I will be frogs for them all day long!" And with this somewhat startling promise, Bobichel departed. Monsieur de Fongereues was alone in his cabinet.

The friends, after Fanfar's body was removed, decided on reflection that Cyprien was the sole person who could aid them. At first he refused to give them the smallest information, but finally he was made to speak. They went to the Hôtel de Fongereues, but the sad party had left for Alsace. Two leagues away they were overtaken however. Labarre was told the whole truth.

The girl will be free in a few hours, and her silence can be bought. I am particularly anxious that there shall be no talk, as it would interfere greatly with my plans." Fongereues ventured to ask to what plans his wife referred. "You are aware," she said, "that for some time I have been anxious to obtain for my son a captaincy in His Majesty's Guards." "Well?" asked her husband, breathlessly.

Pierre continued: "The name was a common one in that part of the country, as I had good reason to know, but this time my heart began to beat. I thanked the peasant and I hurried on. And when I think that a Comte de Fongereues " "It was he, then!" cried the Marquis, snatching his servant's hands. "And you saw him? Tell me everything!" "He is happy," answered Pierre.

Fongereues looked down on the noble features and manly form. How entirely they differed from those of the son for whom the Marquis had sacrificed everything. The Marquis knelt in silence for some minutes, while Labarre shed bitter tears. "What does the Marquis propose to do?" asked the governor, who did not understand this scene, and was becoming impatient.