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Then came Schumann's Traumerei on the strings, Handel's Largo, Grieg's Papillon, and a ballade by Chaminade. Then again sang the prima-donna; old folksy songs, sketches from the operas grand and light, Faust, The Barber of Seville, La Fille de Madame Angot. In all his days Warburton had never heard such music. Doubtless he had even better; only at this period he was in love.

I jollied Old Hickory into lettin' me tip the sailors that had lugged the sacks aboard, and I threw in some of his best cigars just by way of relievin' my feelin's. Whenever I passed Captain Rupert Killam I hammered him on the back folksy and told him he sure was some discoverer. I even let Mrs. Mumford feed me an earful about how the late dear Mr.

She was as pleased as a child over having an invitation all to herself not that she would let anyone know it, but she let old Billy express his gratification. "I tell you, Miss Ann, that there Colonel Crutcher air folks, him an' Judge Middleton both. They don't put on no airs but they's folksy enough not ter have ter.

Honest! And if you think a set of odd-shaded blue eyes can't light up and sparkle with diff'rent expressions, you should have seen hers. When she finishes and springs that folksy, chummy sort of smile well, take it from me, the hand she gets ain't any polite, halfway, for-charity's-sake applause. They just went to it strong, gloves or no gloves. "Isn't she bully?" whispers Vee.

The feller that sets out to do me has got to have a better make up than that, you bet your life. 'Well, see here, King Sol; can you run a gasoline launch? "'Why, yes, I guess I can run 'most any of the everyday kinds, says I, pullin' thoughtful at my own chin whiskers. This fat man had got me interested. He was so polite and folksy in his remarks.

"I'm spending the night with Madame, you're to know, and we're planning a nice folksy informal sort of a time; and you're to be home." "Orders from headquarters," commented Laurence. "All right," agreed the Butterfly Man, briefly. Mary Virginia shook out her white skirts, and patted her black hair into even more distractingly pretty disorder.

Indiana, at any rate till very recently, has had an indigenous population, not too daring or nomadic; it has been both prosperous and folksy, the apt home of pastorals, the agreeable habitat of a sentimental folk-poet like Riley, the natural begetter of a canny fabulist like George Ade.

The girls bring their local backgrounds with them the different aims and traits. . . . I have drawn a map of the country and named all the different states and cities for the girls who come from them, but this is just for my own fun, of course. . . . I never imagined one would have preferences and like and dislike people by a kind of instinct, without really knowing them, but I'm afraid I do it, and that all the rest of us do the same. . . . Nothing in the world is as interesting as people just dear, good folksy people!"

We were on the piazza, Father, Cousin Grace, and I. And I was thinking how perfectly lovely it was that Father was there, and that he was getting to be so nice and folksy, and how I did hope it would last, even after he'd married her, and not have any of that incompatibility stuff come into it.

And by and by when Godmother had drifted off with some one and Mary Alice found herself alone with one man, she was feeling so "folksy" that she looked up at him and laughed. "Seems as if every one had found a 'burning theme' all but us!" she said. The young man he was young, and very good-looking, in an unusual sort of way flushed. "I don't know any of them," he said; "I'm a stranger."