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"Why, Torchy!" says Marjorie, real coaxin' "I thought we were such good friends!" "Well, I'm willin' to let it go that far," says I; "but don't try to ring in any folksy strangers. I'm here on business for the firm." Just then too down comes the maid sayin' there wa'n't anything to go back; so I starts to beat it.

Pretty soon out she comes again, calm and smilin'. It's some smile she has, by the way. Wide and generous and real folksy. And now that the scare has faded out of her eyes they have more or less snap to 'em. They're the bright brown kind, that match her hair, and the freckles across the bridge of her nose. "It's all right," says she. "Dr. Baker says the ice pack did the trick.

Some days he's been just as he was when I first came this time real talky and folksy, and as if he liked to be with us. Then for whole days at a time he'd be more as he used to stern, and stirring his coffee when there isn't any coffee there; and staying all the evening and half the night out in his observatory.

I used to be real smart to what I am now, when Perrit was alive; but I took on so, when he was brought home friz to death that it sp'iled my nerves; and then I had to do so many chores out in the shed, I got cold and had the dreadfullest rheumatiz! and when I'd got past the worst spell of that and was quite folksy again, I slipped down on our door-step and kinder wrenched my ankle, and ef't hadn't 'a' been for the neighbors, I don't know but what Nancy and I should 'a' starved."

Durin' them long days when we went churnin' steady and monotonous down towards the hook end of Florida, with nothin' happenin' but sleep and meals, 'most everybody sort of drifted together and got folksy. Not Rupert, though. He don't forget for a minute that he's conductin' a dark and desperate hunt for pirate gold, and he don't seem contented unless he's workin' at it every hour of the day.

Also, she don't mind reachin' in front of you and sidewipin' your ear with her elbow. Accidents like that were merry little jokes to her. "Ox-cuse me, Mister!" she'd pipe out shrill and childish, and then indulged in a maniac giggle that would get Mrs. Robert grippin' the chair arms. She liked to be chatty and folksy while she was servin', too.

Just in these two there is a meeting of the centuries, Handcraft Days and the Machine Age B. C. and A. D. the oldest civilization in the world and the newest. The most interesting thing in Chinatown are the Chinese. To some they all look alike, but to me they seem very human and individual and folksy.

He don't seem anxious to start anything. But I'll bet he'd be a hard finisher. And he sure is a folksy dog with the people he knows around the house. Most of 'em he treats gentler than he does me, which shows that he's got some sense.

"Oh, she feels strange at first," said Molly by way of excusing her English cousin. "After while she will be more 'folksy, as Luella says." "Well then, when she wants to come with us she can say so. I shall not ask her, I know. She is just like what I was afraid she would be stand-offish and airish.

I tell you what; you stroll out and take in the store windows for a spell and then drift back later. Come up here if you like, or you can wait in the arcade and nail him as he comes down the elevator." She thanks me real folksy, pats Vincent on the shoulder, and starts for the corridor with a long, easy swing that some of these barefoot poem dancers couldn't execute to save their necks.