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Such, with the admirable paintings of the Dutch School, are the chief objects that attract the traveller to the Netherlands, independently of the desire to study human nature, which here also will find ample materials. Descrizione di Ludovico Guicciardini di tutti Paesi Bassi. Antwerp, 1501. fol.

No pity was shown to Ravaillac, who was tortured in divers horrible ways. See the French Mercury, vol. I, fol. m., 455 et seq. Paul, I mean who should condemn to the extreme penalty all those whom he condemns to eternal death, would be accounted enemies of the human kind and destroyers of their communities.

Legh to Cromwell, Sept. 24th: Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials, Vol. Cotton. MS. Cleopatra, E 4, fol. 225. 28 Hen. VIII. cap. 13. Ibid. That is, the exhibitioners sent up to the university from the monasteries. Strype, Memorials, Vol. I. p. 323. Leyton to Cromwell: Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 71, et seq. Id quod meis oculis vidi, Leyton writes: Ibid.

Marsus was ambassador from the Emperor and King of Spain, Charles V., to the Swiss, and gives a curious picture of their manners at this period. Helvetia Profana et Sacra. 1642. 4to. This work by Scotti, which is written in English, depicts the manners of the Swiss a century after Marsus. Travels through the Rhætian Alps. By Beaumont, 1782, fol.

Vannozza's will, in the archives of the Capitol, Cred. xiv, T. 72, p. 305, among the instruments drawn by the notary Andrea Carosi. In the diary of Marino Sanuto, vol. xxvi, fol. 135. The State of Ferrara again found itself in serious difficulties, for Leo X, following the example of Alexander VI, was trying to build up a kingdom for his nephew Lorenzo de' Medici.

The chief value of them consists in his account of the manners, government, &c. of the Turks. This author must not be confounded with the Mel. Thevenot, the author of a Collection of Voyages. A View of the Levant, particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt and Greece. By Ch. Parry. 1743. fol. 1770. 3 vols. 4to.

There were 11,000 verses to this song the chorus being "Tural lural dural, ri fol day" which was repeated twice at the end of each verse making as you will at once see the appalling number of 22,000 "tural lural dural, ri fol days" and the man still lives.

I have thought of asking my father to buy a borough and a baronetcy, for with the first, and the influence that his money gives, he need not long wish for the last; but I never open my lips on any matter of the sort that he does not answer 'Fol lol der rol, Jack, with your knighthoods, and social order, and bishoprics, and boroughs property is in danger! loans and regiments, if thou wilt give us more order "ORDER order" bayonets are what we want, boy, and good wholesome taxes, to accustom the nation to contribute to its own wants and to maintain its credit.

Chip chop, cherry chop, fol de rol de ri do. Astronomy and mathematics. I do this to support my family." Murmurs of admiration at the exceeding beauty of this performance went about among the crowd. "A pity to see a man of that talent brought so low; ain't it?" said one of the crowd to me.

Travels through Europe, Asia, and into several parts of Africa, containing Observations especially on Italy, Turkey, Greece, Tartary, Circassia, Sweden and Lapland. By De la Mottraye. 1723. 2 vols. fol. Veracity and exactness, particularly so far as regards the copying of inscriptions, characterise these travels. They are also valuable for information respecting the mines of the North of Europe.