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"Ling," he demanded, "how long will it be before this water will go low enough to allow us to cross?" The Korean shrugged his shoulders. "Me no know, mastel," he said. "Pelhaps by to-night; pelhaps not fol week. No can do nothing, can only stop hele."

William and Nancy immediately went up to end their probation, and after a few whispered remarks the minister shook hands with each of them, then raising his voice he said: "Now, brothahs and sistahs, befo' you all gives dese lambs de right han' o' fellowship to welcome dem to de fol', I want Sister Ann Pease to come up an' be de first to bid 'em God speed on the gospel way."

From the Fontette Collection, XXI, 770, fol. 60, in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris. First printed by M. Marguy, and her corrected according to the MS. Nous, Philippe Chabot, baron d'Apremont, chevalier de l'ordre du Roi, son gouverneur et lieutenant general de Bourgoingne, admiral de France et de Bretaine.

Pepys's Defence of the same upon an Inquisition thereunto by Parliament, 1669, fol. And so pleased therewith, I to my Lord Brouncker, who I find within, but hath business, and so comes not to the Office to-day.

By Wheeler, 1688. fol. Travels in Asia Minor, &c. By Richard Chandler, 1775-6. 2 vols. 4to. These are valuable travels to the antiquarian. The author, guided by Pausanias, as respects Greece, Strabo for that country and Asia Minor, and Pliny, has described with wonderful accuracy and perspicuity the ruins of the cities of Asia Minor, its temples, theatres, &c. Savary's Letters on Greece.

Harris's Collection of Voyages and Travels, from Hakluyt, Purchas, Ramusio, &c. The whole work revised and continued, by Dr. John Campbell. 2 vols. fol. 1744. A General Collection of the best and most interesting Voyages and Travels, in all Parts of the World. By John Pinkerton. 1808-1814. 17 vols. 4to. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, arranged in systematic Order.

The horizon, too, is distinctly visible for a long while after sunset, the atmosphere is so pure. It is a beautiful and varied drive from Bamble to Kongsberg. The road passes through Hitterdal and to the south of Lake Fol, traversing the southern part of the Telemark, and serving as an outlet to all the small towns and hamlets of that locality.

An English translation of the fourth book of the AEneid of Virgil or the Loves of Dido and AEneas. 4. Two Odes out of Horace, relating to the civil wars of Rome, against covetous rich men. 5. He translated, from Portuguese, into English, "The Luciad, or Portugal's Historical Poem"; written originally by Luis de Camoens. London, 1655, fol.

Richard Pococke. 3 vols. fol. 1743-8. The merits of this work in pointing out and describing the antiquities of Egypt and the East are well known. Travels through Europe, Asia, and Africa. By Lithgow. Edinburgh, 1770. 8vo. This is one of the best editions of a book, the chief interest of which consists in the personal narrative of the author. Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia.

She's undertook mo'n her share an' is s'portin' too many people." "Kern, you means well," said Aun' Sheba with dignity, "but you mus' not 'fleet on young Missy. She am de las' one in de worl' to let a body s'port her while she fol' her han's. She's po'ly too, jes' kase she's a workin' harde'n me."