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"Why, that chunk of ice weren't so awful big anyhow. I'd 'a' shoved her off with a pole. Wouldn't you?" "Butted her like a ram," exclaimed Mr. McLean. "Well, I don't say my prayers any more. I told Mr. Perkins I wasn't a-going to, an' he I think he is a flubdub anyway." "I'll bet he is!" said Lin, sympathetically. He was scarcely a prudent guardian.

Any God's quantity of fuss and flubdub to bury a man, and not an ounce of forehandedness in the whole outfit to find out whether he was rightly dead. And I am a Congregationalist anyway! "Well, Sir, that was my introduction to the British Army. I'd write a book about it if anyone would believe me. He was a white man.

"Two hundred and ten thousand dollars I paid for that little bunch of gewgaws," said Markel, waving his hand again. Then he clapped Carruthers heartily on the shoulder. "What do you think of it, Carruthers eh? Say, a photograph of it, and one of Mrs. Markel eh? Please her, you know she's crazy on this society stunt all flubdub to me of course. How's it strike you, Carruthers?"

Only they sent the father to the Senate and gave him columns of flubdub and laid him out in state when he died and they poured kerosene upon the son and burned him alive. And I believe Virginia thinks that wasn't fair." "What do you mean?" "I honestly believe Virginia hates the Musgraves.

Either way I am indifferent. In the words of the coon song: "I've got mine!" I hope I make myself clear. I have no mission or message or any flubdub of that kind. I am not one of those boys who urge you to do this for your own good. I have read a ton of literature put out by persons who found something that agreed with them and immediately started out to reform the world along that line.

A notice to the bank in Papeete, Island of Tahiti, that you've given Captain Michael J. Murphy a letter of credit for twenty-five thousand dollars only one notice for one letter of credit. I'm up to skullduggery. Man, man, why don't you dictate? Usual courtesies good customer of your bank you know; usual flubdub. No advice regarding Miss Keenan's letter of credit just Murphy's."

An' I knowed well enough she'd lick me when she got through her spell an' father can't stop her, an' I ah, I was sick of it! She's lamed me up twice beating me an' Perkins wanting me to say 'God bless my mother! a-getting up and a-going to bed he's a flubdub! An' so I cleared out. But I'd just as leaves said for God to bless father an' you. I'll do it now if you say it's any sense." Mr.

The Protestants had him, but the Dissenters protested against his being given to an Anglican refuge. The scene at the mass-meeting to celebrate young Ginx's rescue from the incubus of a delusive superstition is described with rare appreciation of the foibles of character. The bombast, the cant, the flapdoodle and flubdub, the silly unction of different kinds of preachers are "done to a hair."

"You remember the time I had the fuss with Wesley Bender, back in the ole school days?" "Yep." "All the flubdub this Werder girl got off to-night puts me in mind of the way I talked that day. I can remember it as well as anything!

Picking himself out of the gutter, he placed his thumb to his nose, and wiggled his finger in active and reprehensible symbolism, whilst enlarging upon his original critique, in a series of shrill roars: "Rotten! Punk! No good! Swash! Flubdub! Sacré tas de de piffle!" Already his vocabulary was rich and plenteous, though, in those days, tainted by his French origin.