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So they played on, at pool and billiards, for the rest of that Monday afternoon, Hemlock Holmes and the six gilded loafers, while I sat idly in a chair at one side, smoking several good cigars, my job being that of an innocent looker-on, trying to figure out who was the biggest fool in the place, the easy-going Earl of Puddingham, for shoveling out good money to my grafting partner, or Holmes himself, for frittering away his brilliant talents in such piffle pastimes.

I'm not going to piffle about any more." "Oh, don't be an ass, Gus! I've heard that footle before," said Cotton, with his heavy selfishness. "Not quite, for this time I mean what I say." "Oh no, you don't!" "Oh yes, I do!" "You wouldn't leave a fellow in the lurch like this, after all I " "I was left in the lurch last term, Jim, dear, and I'd rather you had a taste of it this go.

But instead, in a blaze and flash and shock, I knew now for the first time what a glorious thing that statue was! Have you ever seen anything for the first time like that? If you have, you never see very much afterwards, you know. The rest's all piffle after that.

There was a child coming, since we're by way of being plain-spoken," says Lessie, picking up the prostrate red umbrella and the jewelled card-case, possibly to conceal a blush; "and he swore he'd never look at another woman, and write by every mail. And so he did at first, and I used to cry over the blooming piffle he put into his letters, and wish I'd been a straighter woman, for his sake.

It now lacks only about two hours to daylight, and we shall be able to make an early start, now that Washington is here." "Yes, he's here, but he would not be here if I had not con-centrated on him," spoke up Emma Dean. "For the love of goodness, drop that piffle!" begged Hippy wearily. "We have enough serious matters on hand to think about without having to listen to prattle.

"Goodbye We needn't actually kiss each other, need we? Of course, if you want to frightfully you can; but I think kissing's rather piffle." Miss Rutherford contented herself with wringing Priscilla's hand. Then she and Priscilla helped Frank out of Jimmy Kinsella's boat and into the Tortoise. The wind was due east and was blowing a good deal harder than it was when they ran down to Inish-bawn.

He stood still and waited curiously, wondering, to use his manner of speech, what the girl was going to spring now. "Listen: Instead of all this impossible piffle, let's start a real story. I I've " "What kind of a real story?" The tone of Robert Grant Burns was carefully non-committal, but his eyes betrayed his eagerness. The girl did have some real ideas, sometimes!

His uncontrolled temper and undisguised incivility, not only to the Press, but to fellow-soldiers of the stamp of Piffle, have alienated from him even the sympathy that sometimes improperly consoles demerit. We leave our correspondents to speak for themselves, reserving our judgment with a heavy heart. Piffle has the sympathy of the nation. Scarlet. 9 P.M. The attack has ceased.

"But that's all piffle, Herr von Niebeldingk, ... all this book-worm business can go to the devil.... Life life life that's the main thing!" "What do you call life, Fritz?" With both hands he stroked the velvety surface of his close-cropped skull. "Well, how am I to tell you? D'you know how I feel?

"Oh, piffle! I've lived here all my life, just about, and I never saw a person bitten with a snake. And neither did you, mom, and you know it. But, of course, if you insist on making me sit in the house day in and day out " Mary V cut two more slices of bread and began spreading them liberally with butter. She looked very grieved, and very determined.