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"Oh, I had no idea of walking in fog up to my chin," said Mrs. Purcell; "so I took the short cut." "You give me credit for the tragic element," she continued, under her breath, as Mr. Raleigh quietly passed her. "That is old style. To be sure, I might as well die there as in the swamps of Florida. Purcell is ordered to Florida. Of course, I am ordered too!"

"I do go to Florida every winter, and sometimes, on the way to our place, I stop for a day or two at St. Augustine yes." She looked at Jane again, as if to say, "That is really the best I can do for you." "She played backgammon with you there," Jane still persisted "on the hotel veranda. I've heard her say so twenty times." Mrs. Bates did not change her expression. "Backgammon?

General Jackson, being ordered to subdue the Seminole Indians in Florida, who were harbouring fugitive slaves, invaded the Spanish territory, cleaned it up in the true Jacksonian manner, hanged two Englishmen, and "omitted nothing that characterises a haughty conqueror," as Onis, the Spanish Minister at Washington, protested.

T.J. Ashe, of Key West, Florida, is very direct and to the point: "I have seen many moulted and dropped feathers from wild plumed birds. I have never seen a moulted or dropped feather that was fit for anything. It is the exception when a plumed bird drops feathers of any value while in flight.

That the President's political speed left some overcome was clear from a remark of Mr. Clark of Florida when he said: "I was amused at my friend from Oklahoma, Mr. Ferris, who wants us to ,stand with the President. God knows I want to stand with him. Mr. Hersey of Maine, Republican, drew applause when he made a retort to the Democratic slogan, "Stand by the President." He said: "Mr.

It is nothing to them whether he is tea-planting in the Himalayas, or sheep-farming in Australia, or orange-growing in Florida, or ranching in Colorado. If he is not in England, why then he is elsewhere; and elsewhere is Abroad, one and indivisible. In short, Abroad answers in space to that well-known and definite date, the Olden Time, in chronology.

Once they were nigh to perishing of starvation and were saved from that fate only through chance meeting with a band of Indians who, seeing their plight, made camp and shared their food with them according to the Indian code in time of peace. Boone's party explored Florida from St.

I'm going out on the bowsprit and, with this piece of megaphone to help, think I can follow by sound. They're apt to make some noise, believing themselves safe. And their blocks are bound to rattle when they change their course which they'll be doing before long as we're both headed for the coast of Florida, twenty-five or thirty miles off. Now go back quiet, sir, and watch for my lights."

"I went through something of the sort last year on board the Florida," he added. "People insist on regarding it as marvelous that a man should strive to do his simple duty." Suddenly it occurred to him that the topic was unpleasantly analogous to the little French count's cowardly escapades.

He called a meeting of his colleagues, and laid before them a proposition which, it will be seen, was profoundly sagacious. "On carefully considering," he said, "what is going on now between Florida and Texas, it is clear that the same difficulties will recur with all the towns of the favored State. The rivalry will descend from State to city, and so on downward.