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Durrett, who was in Florida or in the East playing polo or engaged in some other pursuit. One result of the lavishness and luxury that amazed them they wrote had been to raise the standard of culture of the women, who were our leisure class.

Many of the "Red Sticks," as the Creek braves were called, fled beyond the Florida border; but many among them the astute half-breed Weathersford, who had ordered the assault on Fort Mims came in and surrendered. Fort Jackson, built in the river fork, became an outpost of American sovereignty in the very heart of the Creek district.

At the southern end of the island, as Underhill knew, there was a Wesleyan mission station, placed in a somewhat inaccessible spot, and at Tulagi, on Florida Island to the south, was a Government station and the seat of the Resident.

It is one of the most comfortable places in Florida, with a well-kept table, provided with fish, oysters, turtle and game. New Smyrna is about thirty miles from Enterprise, on the St. John's River: to this place there are three or four steamers weekly from Jacksonville.

The vexatious, harassing, and expensive war which so long prevailed with the Indian tribes inhabiting the peninsula of Florida has happily been terminated, whereby our Army has been relieved from a service of the most disagreeable character and the Treasury from a large expenditure.

This makes three loaves. Bake about one hour. From MRS. MARTHA. A. GRIGGS, of Washington, Alternate Lady Manager. From MRS. MARY C. BELL, of Florida, Lady Manager. Three cups sugar, one cup butter, three eggs, one bowlful stoned raisins, floured, one teaspoonful allspice, ground, one teaspoonful cloves, ground, one tablespoonful cinnamon, ground.

The matter couldn't be helped now." "But I call it a want of feeling to speak the truth so bluntly." "We won't have to complain of that in our landlord, it seems," said Florida. "Perhaps not in our priest, either," she added. "Yes, that was kind of Mr. Ferris," said Mrs. Vervain. "It was thoroughly thoughtful and considerate what I call an instance of true delicacy.

At any rate, I must tell this to someone." "I know," says I. "I've seen 'em like that. Shoot." "As you are probably aware," says he, "Ellins was in Florida with me last month. In fact, we played the same course together, day in and day out, for four weeks. He was my partner in our foursome.

"It is also provided that the President may, for settlement in the manner prescribed by section four of the act to which this is an amendment, reserve from sale or settlement, under the homestead or preemption laws, public lands in Florida, Mississippi, and Arkansas, not to exceed three million acres of good land in all, the rental named in that section to be determined in such manner as the commissioner shall by regulation prescribe.

This pirate was soon succeeded by General Aury, who had enjoyed a wild career among the buccaneers of Galveston Bay, where he had posed as military governor under the Republic of Mexico. East Florida in the hands of such desperadoes was a menace to the American border.