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I delivered the note to Don Perez, and before he had finished it, Don Florez entered the room. "Congratulate me, my dear friend," said he. "I was received as kindly as I could wish." "And my fair one has not taken long to relent," answered Perez, "for I have an appointment with her this evening.

"I will give you a thousand," answered she; and she kissed and blessed me while tears ran down her cheeks: she then took some paper, and imitating the hand-writing, wrote as follows: "I must submit to your wishes, Donna Emilia; and while your sister blesses Don Florez, must yield to the severity of your disposition.

He was almost fat, with absurdly small feet and a perceptible moustache. In addition, he was in love with a public girl who lived on Gloria Street; altogether he was a man of the world. Remigio Florez was absolutely different: the son of a great coffee estate in Pinar del Rio, of limitless riches, he was still simple and unaffected, short, with a round cheerful face and innocent lips.

Their felicity is interrupted by the jealousy of Myrtano's wife, who appeals to the Pope and forces the lovers to separate by his order. Idalia leads a miserable life, persecuted by all the young gallants of Rome. One day she sees Florez, the first cause of all her misfortunes, pass the window, and with thoughts bent on revenge sends him a billet, which he carries to his master.

Teresa had read the note of Emilia to Don Perez, which had been received by Don Florez in consequence her present note ran thus: "You may think me harsh for having refused to see you last night, but I was afraid. Do not accuse me with trifling with your feelings, I will meet you in the saloon that leads to the garden, which was last night occupied; come at ten this evening."

That evening Don Florez was received by Teresa in the saloon; and the next morning, I was sitting as usual by my mistress, when she asked, "Well, Pedro, have you discovered anything?" "Yes, madam," replied I. "And what is it, child?" "Why, madam, a gentleman asked me to give a letter, but I would not." "Who was it for, child?" "I don't know, madam, for I refused to take it in my hand."

Pedro, tell your mistress, that I do not write, but that I bless her for her kindness, and shall not fail to meet her. Do you understand? Well, what are you waiting for? Oh! you little rogue, I understand," and he threw me a doubloon. "Florez, you give that boy too much money, and I am obliged to do the same." Florez laughed, and I again took my departure.

I took this note to Don Perez, whom I found at his lodgings drinking in company with Don Florez, for they had no secrets from each other. Perez opened the note, and appeared a little astonished. "Read this, Florez," said he, "and tell me if woman is not a riddle."

"Why," answered I, "I think that your senor is, for a fair man, the handsomest I ever saw but still the beautiful dark eyes of the Donna Emilia's cavalier are equally prepossessing." "Why Pedro, you have mistaken the two," said Emilia, "it is Don Perez, the fair one, who is my admirer, and the dark senor is Don Florez, who is in love with my sister."

Remigio Florez drew in a deep breath which he allowed to escape in the form of a sigh; Jaime smoothed the wrists of his bright yellow gloves; Tirso Labrador settled his guardsman's shoulders into his coat. "She won't get out of the volanta," Charles said thoughtfully; "and someone will have to bring out her refresco. We'd better get there early and stand at the door."