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At the same time he was slightly impatient: his faith in the dangers of Havana had been shaken by the city's aspect of profound placidity, its air of unalloyed pleasure. "You should know my friends," Andrés went on conversationally; "Remigio Florez, they are great coffee planters, and Jaime Jaime Quintara and Tirso Labrador. They will welcome you, as I."

Although he was almost certain, that the fact was as his wife had stated, he determined to make sure by referring to me. He came to Don Florez' house, and after staying a little while with him and his wife, during which he appeared so uneasy that they asked him whether he was unwell, he went away making a sign for me to follow him.

"Ah! my little page, this is indeed lucky; just step to my rooms while I write a note to Donna Emilia." I did so, and he gave me a quarter-doubloon as before. "I thank you, senhor," replied I; "what with the doubloons of Don Florez and your quarter-doubloons, I shall soon be a rich man."

At the same time, expecting implicit obedience to this command, I shall punish you no further, if you offend not again. When I feel inclined to see you, I will let you know. Till then, Yours, etcetera." I took this note to Don Perez, whom I found at his lodgings drinking in company with Don Florez, for they had no secrets from each other. Perez opened the note, and appeared a little astonished.

In August 1591, Lord Thomas Howard, with six English line-of-battle ships, six victuallers, and two or three pinnaces, was lying at anchor under the Island of Florez. Light in ballast and short of water, with half his men disabled by sickness, Howard was unable to pursue the aggressive purpose on which he had been sent out.

"I don't know but what you are right, Florez; and as we are lords and masters after marriage, it is but fair, that they should hold their uninterrupted sway before. I feel more attached to her than ever, and if she chooses to play the tyrant, why she shall. It shows her good sense; for keeping us off, is the only way to induce us to go on."

Two had gained the victory over the rival candidates Don Perez was the favoured suitor of Donna Emilia, while Don Florez was proud to wear the chains of the lively Teresa.

But this point was soon decided, for at the convent gate he encountered Don Perez, who had been informed whither his wife had retreated. "You are the person I have been anxiously wishing to see, Don Perez treacherous villain, void of all honour." "Not so, Don Florez. I am an unfortunate man, who is half mad by a cruel mistake which has occurred. Recall your words, for they are unjust."

That evening Don Florez was received by Teresa in the saloon; and the next morning, I was sitting as usual by my mistress, when she asked, "Well, Pedro, have you discovered any thing?" "Yes, madam," replied I. "And what is it, child?" "Why, madam, a gentleman asked me to give a letter, but I would not." "Who was it for, child?" "I don't know, madam, for I refused to take it in my hand."

Victory was decided in favour of Don Perez; his sword passed through the heart of his adversary, who never spoke again. Don Perez viewed the body with a stern countenance, wiped his sword, took up his cloak, and walked straight to the house of Don Florez. Was it you, that, by an unfortunate mistake, I met one night in the saloon, and were those caresses, intended for Don Florez, bestowed upon me?"