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But he said, "He velly blig he no go downee me flixee him," and up and down he went again, harder than ever. After a lengthy argument he got down, and I showed him once more how to put the things in so the top would shut tight. There were a good many pieces of broken china, and these Charlie pitched over in the water with a grin that plainly said, "You see me flixee you!"

We have very little to do for the march as our camp outfit is in unusually fine condition. After Charlie's "flixee" so much mess-chest china, Faye had made to order a complete set for four people of white agate ware with blue bands. We have two sets of plates, vegetable dishes, cups and saucers, egg cups, soup plates, and a number of small pieces.

After he closes the dampers he will say to me in his most amiable squeak, "Me flixee him he vellee glood now." This is all very nice as long as the house does not burn. Night before last Mrs. Mills invited me to a family dinner. Colonel Mills was away, but Mr. Hughes was there, also Lieutenant Harvey to whom Miss Mills is engaged, and the three Mills boys, making a nice little party.

Gettem lilee flesh wounds. Las all." "What do you mean by saying that he is not a monster?" demanded von Horn. "You waitee, you dam flool," cried Sing. "I tellee lot more I know. You waitee I flixee him, and then, by God, I flixee you." Von Horn took a menacing step toward the Chinaman, his face black with wrath, but Professor Maxon interposed.

Finally he gave in, and coming over to us, fairly snatched the birds from me and said, "Me flixee him," and carried the whole bunch back of his tent where we could not see him. Since that evening Charlie has been the most delighted one in camp when Faye has brought birds in. All the way we have had only a faint trail to follow, and often even that could not be seen after we had crossed a stream.