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Flanagan was the only fellow who seemed really sorry. The rest of the ill- conditioned lot saw in the affair only a good opportunity of crowing over their ill-starred adversary, and telling me it served me right for chumming up to such a one.

"Simon Pettier Staeught." This and several others of the same class were served upon the Bodagh, with the intention of intimidating him from the prosecution of Flanagan. They had, however, quite mistaken their man. The Bodagh, though peaceable and placable, had not one atom of the coward in his whole composition.

You may talk of Bouguereau if you will: there is a cheerful disgustingness in the sound which excites laughter; but let us not sully our chaste lips with the names of J. Ruskin, G. F. Watts, or E. B. Jones." "Who was Ruskin anyway?" asked Flanagan. "He was one of the Great Victorians. He was a master of English style." "Ruskin's style a thing of shreds and purple patches," said Lawson.

Such a step, besides being natural in itself, is often taken in consequence of the esprit du corps which prevails among persons of that class. Bartle Flanagan, although he could not be said to act from any habit previously acquired in service, went to work with all the tact and adroitness of a veteran.

Flanagan for the sweet violets she got for me, and then we shall have one shilling and fourpence left, and I shall buy lots of things for you, mother darling," she concluded, clapping her hands in glee. The widow smiled cheerfully as she folded up her work, and prepared to get their simple meal of tea and bread, listening the while as the child related the events of the morning.

A long, agonizing wail shivered through the air. "Nell's Sick, and can't do her work." The woman rose as she spoke. "I saw her goin' off to-day, and told Flanagan she'd better keep her at home." Saying this, Norah went out quickly, Pinky following.

Pinky, horrified at the dreadful sight, and not sure that the child was really dead, and so insensible to pain, made a movement to follow, but Norah caught her arm with a tight grip and held her back. "Are you a fool?" said the queen, sternly. "Let Flanagan alone. Nell's out of her reach, and I'm glad of it." "If I was only sure!" exclaimed Pinky. "You may be.

March on, hurry-skurry, and let the mare trot, or it's but little that Captain Jack will thank ye for the help." "Although unlearned in matters of communicating with spirits, or laying the dead, Mrs. Flanagan," said the veteran, "I have not served through the old war, and five years in this, not to know how to guard the baggage. Doesn't Washington always cover the baggage?

"Prudence without courage: is it that you mane? and it's so that I'm thinking myself, sargeant. This baste pulls tight on the reins, any way." "Be patient, good woman; hark! what is that?" said Hollister, pricking up his ears at the report of Wellmere's pistol. "I'll swear that was a human pistol, and one from our regiment. Rear rank, close to the front! Mrs. Flanagan, I must leave you."

Such, at least, were his own impressions, when the report of a gun was heard inside the house. Dhar an Iffrin, thought he again, I'll bolt in an' see what's goin' an oh ma shaght millia mattach orth, Flanagan, if you spill blood Jasus above! Well, any how, come or go what may, we can hang him for this glory be to God! These reflections were very near breaking-forth into words.