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Maskew had in his left hand a basket, with which he went marketing of mornings, for he made his own purchases, and liked fish, as being cheaper than meat. He had been chaffering with the fishwives this very day, and was bringing back his provend with him when he visited our school. Then he said to Mr.

Across the river-beds, peasant women and fishwives, with bared legs and baskets clasped to their bending backs, appeared and disappeared shapes that emerged into the light only to vanish into the gulf of the night. In was in these pictures that we read our answer. Like Mont St. Michel, so has France carried into the heights of history her glory and her power.

She was quite innocent, but it had to be done, for the satisfaction of the fishwives of Paris. She was so terrified, that she did not understand what was happening.

With the first hint of dawn stout fishwives, who had tramped all the way in from the piers of Newhaven with heavily laden creels on their heads, were lustily crying their "caller herrin'." Soon fagot men began to call up the courts of tenements, where fuel was bought by the scant bundle: "Are ye cauld?"

It is related that on one occasion Dr. Johnson approached the fishwives at Billingsgate to purchase of their wares. The exact details of the story are not altogether clear in my memory, but, as I recall it, something the good Doctor said angered these women, for they began showering him with profane and blasphemous names. At this style of language the fishwives are said to be extremely proficient.

"With these little swerrds," replied poor old Groove, "we shall cut our own throats if we go against people's prejudices." The young artist laughed the old daubster a merry defiance, and then separated from the party, for his lodgings were down the street. He had not left them long, before a most musical voice was heard, crying: "A caallerr owoo!" And two young fishwives hove in sight.

We are a bad-tempered pair, and we behave rather like fishwives when we are in a rage. But when we are guests in other people's houses " Lady Mallowe's temper was as elemental as any Billingsgate could provide. "You think you can take advantage of that!" she said. "Don't trust yourself too far. Do you imagine that just when all might go well for me I will allow you to spoil everything?"

From La Pyramide the hospitable base of the statue of King George II fishwives called the merits of their conger-eels and ormers; and the clatter of a thousand sabots made the Vier Marchi sound like a ship-builder's yard. In this square Philip had loitered and played as a child.

These fishwives and their husbands were industrious, hard-working people, forming a community of their own in the village of Newhaven, close to the sea, and about two miles from Edinburgh. The men were exposed to cold, and often to danger, in their small boats, not always well-built nor fitted for our stormy Firth.

"Please yourself anent believing me, but you had better be going, sir. I see Limmer Scott and Mistress Roy and a few more fishwives looking this way." "Let them look." "Well, they have their own fashion of dealing with men who ill use a fisher lass. Sophy was born among them." "You are a bad lot! altogether a bad lot!"