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The outer impressions come to be clearly distinguished as such, but at the same time are often treated as symbols of inner experiences, and a meaning read into them which they would not otherwise possess. Symbolism or fetichism is, indeed, just the capacity to see meaning, to emphasize something for the sake of other things which do not appear.

The Kalevala is thus a link between Marchen and Volkslieder on one side, and epic poetry on the other. 'The Divining Rod' is a study of a European and civilised superstition, which is singular in its comparative lack of copious savage analogues. 'Hottentot Mythology' is a criticism of the philological method, applied to savage myth. 'Fetichism and the Infinite, is a review of Mr.

It is this mighty force which lies behind and beneath the aberrations we have been concerned with, a great reservoir from which they draw the life-blood that vivifies even their most fantastic shapes. Fetichism and the other forms of erotic symbolism are but the development and the isolation of the crystallizations which normally arise on the basis of sexual selection.

Others, again, think that fetichism is 'a corruption of religion, in Africa, as elsewhere. The latter is the opinion of Mr Max Muller, who has stated it in his 'Hibbert Lectures, on 'The Origin and Growth of Religion, especially as illustrated by the Religions of India. It seems probable that there is a middle position between these two extremes.

Even if we were to accept as a definition of religion that it is the conciliation of beings conceived to be superior, we should be compelled by the definition to say that fetichism in its eventual outcome is not religion, for the attitude of the owner towards his fetich is then one of superiority, and his method is, when conciliation fails, to apply coercion.

That in the phenomena of fetichism we encounter desires other than religious is beyond dispute: the use of a fetich is, as Dr. Now, a fetich is, as we have seen, an inanimate object and something more. What more? In actual truth, nothing more than the fact that it is "involuntarily associated with what is about to happen, with the possibility of attaining the desired end."

The ignorance and degradation of fetichism are His, as well as the highest revelations of spiritual truth. A certain class of evolutionists tell us that God contrived the serpent's poison-fang and the mother's tender instinct with "the same creative indifference."

I protested against so unworthy a suspicion. "To believe that would be fetichism." Her great green eyes looked at me with surprise. "Ah, then, you don't believe in fetichism? I did not think one could be an archaeologist and yet not believe in fetichism. How can Pasht interest you if you do not believe that she is a goddess? But never mind!

The Forms of Erotic Symbolism are Simulacra of Coitus Wide Extension of Erotic Symbolism Fetichism Not Covering the Whole Ground of Sexual Selection It is Based on the Individual Factor in Selection Crystallization The Lover and the Artist The Key to Erotic Symbolism to be Found in the Emotional Sphere The Passage to Pathological Extremes.

"The transition," he says, "from momentary and special gods to gods which can properly be called personal is one of the most important transitions in the history of religion. Now, this argument, I suggest, seeks to make, or to make much of, a difference between fetichism and polytheism which scarcely exists, and so far as it does exist is not the real difference between them.