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At last he said: "Lord, I see that I must needs do thy will if this be no trap which thou hast set for me. But overwonderful it is, that a great lady should be wedded to a gangrel churl." The Earl laughed: "Many a ferly fares to the fair-eyed," quoth he; "and also I will tell thee in thine ear that this Lady may not be so great as her name is great. Did she praise her life-days to thee?"

Ferly Strands was the name they gave to this interminable shore. But yet it was not interminable, for it broke up at last into bays and creeks, with many islands which had beautiful trees on them, and rich herbage down to the sea-line, Karlsefne said that they would run in hereabouts and live ashore for a while. "We will send out our runners, to see what they can find out for us," he said.

"I passed a beardless pair without compare * And cried, 'I love you, both you ferly fir! 'Money'd? quoth one: quoth I, 'And lavish too; * Then said the fair pair, 'Pere, c'est notre affaire." Now Abu Nowas was given to these joys and loved to sport and make merry with fair boys and cull the rose from every brightly blooming check, even as saith the bard,

And Babe whimpered a little in his cradle and brought us all suddenly back from the Wendigo Age to the time of the kerosene lamp. "Fra' witches and warlocks," I solemnly intoned, "fra' wurricoos and evil speerits, and fra' a' ferly things that wheep and gang bump in the nicht, Guid Lord deliver us!"

The numbers of men engaged on either side in this war cannot be ascertained. Each kingdom had a year within which to muster and arm. "Then all that worthy were to fight Of Scotland, set all hale their might;" while Barbour makes Edward assemble not only "His own chivalry That was so great it was ferly," but also knights of France and Hainault, Bretagne and Gascony, Wales, Ireland, and Aquitaine.

Weft, and paid him wi' part of the very note that brocht on the ferly I hae just been relating. But his gude wull didna end here, for he insisted on takin' us a' Nosey amang the lave to the nearest public, where he gi'ed us a frien'ly glass, and we keepit tawking about monkeys, and what not, in a manner at ance edifying and amusing to hear. Blackwood's Magazine. No. "To marry!