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"You 've been here just two weeks, an' it hain't been nothin' but 'Dad says this, an' 'Dad says that, ever since. Jiminy! a feller'd think you'd made out ter have the only dad that's goin'!" There was a pause so long a pause that the boy on the grass sent a sideways glance at the motionless figure on the fence.

"How do they 'xpect a feller is goin' to git well, when they put 'im where a well feller'd git sick? I vow I think that poor old creetur that wanted me to kill her is straighter in her brains than any body I seen on the lot. I couldn't live there a week, an' if I was a hopeless case, an' know'd it, I'd hang myself on a nail." Jim saw his host across the road, and went over to him. Mr.

Westerfelt, the gang may be a little down on you anyway sence your difficulty with Wambush. Did you know that he wus a sort of a ring-leader amongst 'em?" "Yes." "Well, you mark my word, that feller'd swear his chances of heaven away to turn them mount'in men agin you." "Most of them are good-hearted fellows" replied Westerfelt. "They won't harm me."

After the manner of his kind he had all his life soused his head in lime-water when making his savage toilette, and as a result his shock of black hair stood on end and bulged out like a crowded hayrick. He was naked, of course, and in his hand he held a huge war club. "That feller'd eat a rattlesnake," gasped Captain Scraggs. "Shoot him, Gib, if he bats an eye."

"To hear you talk a feller'd think there ain't anything in the world but funny noises. What do they get you?" "Noises!" the slight lad's voice filled and thrilled with remonstrance, "Can't you ever understand music, Ham? There's all the world of difference between music an' noise. Music's what the Bible says the angels love more'n anything." Ham's lips set themselves sternly.

"Couldn't keep away, eh?" "A feller'd think thet once was enough," said Bud. "I couldn't help myself. I had to come," growled Farley. "Well, this time you'll stay. You shan't abuse our hospitality again. Bud, get a rope and tie our friend. He's skittish, and is likely to run away if he's turned loose." Farley was soon tied securely. "Keep an eye on him, Bud," said Ted.

"Yes yes, indeed. Don't take me long to eat not at my boardin' house. A feller'd have to have paralysis to make eatin' one of Lindy Dadgett's meals take more'n a half hour. Um-hm yes." Despite his preoccupation, Captain Zelotes could not help smiling. "To make it take an hour he'd have to be ossified, wouldn't he, like the feller in the circus sideshow?" he observed. Laban nodded.

"Now there you go!" replied Tom. "Can't you see that any woman on earth, even a married woman, is four-thirds foolishness and the rest human? With girls it's still worse'n that. If I'm any judge, she's wishin' a certain feller'd come along and shake the tree. But she ain't goin' to fall off until the tree's done shook. Consequently, there she is, still up the tree, and our railroad with her."

"If he should ever get mad enough to fight, the other feller'd better go a-visitin'." And a person who knew his mind might have said, "If Bradley makes up his mind to do a thing he'll do it." But no one knew his mind. He did not know its resources himself. His mind seized upon every hint, and bit by bit his resolution was formed.

Jabez was lyin' face down with a hairy viper on top of him face up. The feller'd been pinked in the bridge o' the nose an' it was most horrid ghastly. Two others lay still with their bodies inside the shack an' their legs outside; while another was lyin' just at my feet.