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As the officers yet lingered near the rude grave of their companion, watching with abstracted air the languid and almost mechanical action of their jaded men, as they emptied shovel after shovel of the damp earth over the body of its new tenant, they were suddenly startled by an expression of exultation from Sir Everard Valletort. "By Jupiter, I have pinked him," he exclaimed triumphantly.

Somehow or other, as she stops, we all turns towards young Hammond. His face ain't pale any more. It's well pinked up. "By Jove!" says J. Bayard enthusiastic. "But that's what I call real pluck, Mrs. Hammond. And your son does you credit too. So what if the Twombley-Cranes might remember you as a former housekeeper? They don't know the young man, needn't know just who he is.

"You're pinked," he said in a tone of authority. "I'll take a turn o' this linen around your shoulder." Suddenly he paused as he glanced into the sufferer's face. "Why why, hit's the Lieut'nant!" he stammered. Then he stood erect and saluted properly. "Would you 'ave a bandage, sir?" he asked in a different one. Caradoc assented wearily and shifted his shoulder for the band of linen.

"No such luck," growled the foreman. "We pinked a few of them, but they're too tough to kill. We come mighty near having a fight, however," he mused. "Near!" exploded the boy. "I should say. you were right up to it." "We've lost a lot of sheep, boy; that's of more consequence." "How many?" "No telling. Can't tell till morning.

He is a romantic fool; he believes in woman's virtue and all that stuff!" "Besides, if he kill the Bourgeois, he will have to fight Pierre Philibert before his sword is dry!" interjected Cadet. "I would not give a Dutch stiver for Le Gardeur's bones five hours after he has pinked the Bourgeois!"

Now as Beltane walked beside the stream, head a-droop and very thoughtful, he paused of a sudden to behold one richly dight in gambeson of fair-wrought leather artificially quilted and pinked, who sat ensconced within this greeny bower, his back to a tree, one bandaged arm slung about his neck and in the other hand a long hazel-branch trimmed with infinite care, whereunto a line was tied.

"Well, he looks as though there was not much mischief left in him now, at all events. But it will not do to take any risks; he is evidently a desperate character, or was before you pinked him, so slip up on deck and get a length of line a bit off one of the topgallant-braces will do if you can't find anything better to make him fast with.

'If I had to account for it, I should say, hotter blood, cool nerve, quick brain. 'Hum. Where are we, then? 'We don't shine with the small sword. 'We had men neatly pinked for their slashings in the Peninsula. 'We've had clever Irishmen. 'Hot enough blood! This man Morsfield have you crossed the foils with him?

The cowboy pulled up his horse with a vicious jerk that pinked the foam at the animal's mouth and caused a little cloud of dust to rise into the air. Then, for a moment, he sat and stared. "If you was in such a hell of a hurry," drawled the Texan, "you could of rode around me. There's room on either side." The cowboy found his voice. "Well, by gosh, if it ain't Tex! How they stackin', old hand?"

I pursued him, I closed with him, we had a desperate rally for perhaps a minute and a half. I know that I pinked him twice, for I saw the blood on his shirt; in another few seconds I had his sword flying out of his hand and himself his full length on the sward. There then lay this shameful enemy, traducer of ladies, treacherous friend, hirer of murderers why should I spare him?