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By this time the fire was making fierce headway, and several persons who were imprisoned under the ruins were begging piteously for help. All efforts to conquer the fire proved fruitless; so the buckets were presently thrown aside and the officers fell-to with axes and tried to cut the prisoners out.

He would speak to me by the hour in ostentatious idleness; and only if the bo's'un or a mate came by, fell-to languidly for just the necessary time till they were out of sight. 'I'm not breaking my heart with it, he remarked.

Ay," he continued, as soon as he had ousted me from the stool and spoon, "they're fine, halesome food they're grand food, parritch." He murmured a little grace to himself and fell-to. "Your father was very fond of his meat, I mind; he was a hearty, if not a great eater; but as for me, I could never do mair than pyke at food."

Take an easy evening now, and go to bed early. You'll be all the fresher for it to-morrow." So, instead of study, we fell-to talking, and somehow got on to the subject of the home at Packworth. "By the way, Fred," said Jack, "I got a letter from you the other day." "From me?" I cried; "I haven't written to you for months."

Before she helped herself she asked Mr. Pounce what he would have, but he curtly declined to take anything. She shrugged her shoulders, and fell-to herself with a healthy appetite. "How can you how can you?" he ejaculated several times. "I'm hungry," she said, laughing, "and I really don't see why I shouldn't eat." "You have no feeling for me," he complained.

It was not to be supposed that the Apaches were so stupid as to give a young captive like him a chance to slip from their hands in broad daylight. They were too shrewd for that and Fred felt that he must wait for some better opportunity than the present. The meat was prepared in short order, and then the Apaches fell-to like so many wild beasts, using only their fingers and teeth.

After a time Smokewell brought in dinner, and we all fell-to at the table. For my own part, I was too sick at heart to eat much, though the food was good enough. There was a cold fowl, a ham, and a great apple-pasty. After dinner, the men cut up tobacco, and played cards, and smoked, and threw dice; but Marah made them do this in the outer room. He was very kind to me in my wretchedness.

He would speak to me by the hour in ostentatious idleness; and only if the bo's'un or a mate came by, fell-to languidly for just the necessary time till they were out of sight. "I'm not breaking my heart with it," he remarked.

"And I say, mate," he added, "I'm mortal hungry." "Well," said I, "come into the house, and you shall have a bite if I go empty for it." With that I brought him in and set him down to my own place, where he fell-to greedily on the remains of breakfast, winking to me between whiles, and making many faces, which I think the poor soul considered manly.

His intentions and the proportions of his generosity transpired. Hitherto they had been silent, but now they all fell-to and abused him: each looking only to the amount of his individual share, not at the sum total the doctor was giving way to an ungrateful lot.