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It was not late, but people who entered the lobby of the Theater Fauvette turned away before the placard "Standing room only." Somewhere in the city a bell sounded the hour, and with the last stroke the drop curtain fell on the first act of "La Belle Helene." It fell amidst a whirlwind of applause, in which the orchestra led. The old leader of the violins shook his head, however.

My word!" "Today?" "Yes, she is with us here. She makes her debut at the Fauvette next autumn." Rex concealed a frown in the ample folds of the towel. It crossed his mind that the colonel might better have stayed and taken care of his own daughter.

French, "Fauvette grise," "Bec-fin Grisette." The Whitethroat has hitherto perhaps been better known by the name used in the former edition of 'Yarrell' and by Messrs. Degland and Gerbe, Curruca cinerea, but in consequence of the inexorable rule of the British Association the name "rufa," given by Boddaert in 1783, has now been accepted for this bird.

"Madame's reputation as an artist, and a professor of singing, is worldwide," said Rex in his best Parisian, adding: "And you, then, Monsieur, are the celebrated manager of `La Fauvette'?" The manager replied with a politely gratified bow. "The most charming theater in Paris," added Rex. "Ah! murmured the other, Monsieur is himself an artist, though not of our sort, and artists know."

All his peasant women are potentially Jeannes d'Arc "Les Foins," "Tired," "Petite Fauvette," for example. The "note" is still more evident in the "London Bootblack" and the "London Flower-girl," in which the outcast "East End" spiritlessness of the British capital is caught and fixed with a Zola-like veracity and vigor. Such a phase as this is not so much pictorial or poetic, as psychological.

40. BLACKCAP. Sylvia atricapilla, Linnaeus. French, "Fauvette

I met Yvonne in the Louvre last week. I'm glad you are all over that affair, for she's going to be married, she told me. She looked prettier than ever, and as happy as she was pretty. She was with old Bordier of the Fauvette, and his wife, and think of this! she's coming out in Belle Helene! Well! I'm glad she's all right, for she was too nice to go the usual way.

Le pinson et la fauvette Chantaient nos chastes amours, Que les oiseaux chantent toujours, Pauvre Colinette, pauvre Colinette. When he reached the women he hopped to the pavement holding out his hat like a collection plate, with a beseeching air. The women were embarrassed, grudging the pennies, but afraid of being thought mean. Mrs Yabsley broke the silence.