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Rufa, a haggard old sibyl, with both private and public reasons for detesting Nero and Nattalis: and all the fitting female attendants to conclude the list. Each scene, in which each act will be included, should be pictorially, so to speak, a tableau in the commencement, and a tableau of situation in the end. Let us draw up upon scene the first.

"Well, I do it a better way," remarked Sister Sipa. "What? Better?" demanded the astonished Rufa. "That can't be! My system can't be improved upon!" "Listen a moment and you'll be convinced, Sister," said old Sipa in a tone of vexation. "How is it? Let's hear!" exclaimed the others.

Without any doubt the opening and closing of the shutter has been heard, for another window was opened very slowly and cautiously and a wrinkled and toothless old woman thrust out her head. She was called Sister Ruté. She looked about, knit her brows, spit noisily and then crossed herself. In the house opposite, a little window was timidly opened and her friend, Sister Rufa appeared.

The paternosters are males, the Ave Marias are females, and the Gloria Patris are the children." "Eh? Excuse me, Sister Rufa: paternoster, Ave Maria, and Gloria are like rice, meat, and sauce a mouthful for the saints " "You're wrong! You'll see, for you who pray that way will never get what you ask for." "And you who pray the other way won't get anything from your novenas," replied old Sipa.

Testa depresso-globosa, superne sub-conica, orbicularis, obsolete subangulata, flava seu rufa, spiraliter striata; spira prominens; anfractus 5, planati; basis imperforata; apertura sub-lunata, inferne angulata; peristoma incrassatum, subreflexum, album. Diam. maj. 6, min. 5 1/4, alt. 4 1/2 mill. Under the bark of Mimusops kaukii, in the Two Isles, on the North-East coast of Australia.

I have not generally thought it necessary to point out these changes, but in this instance it seemed necessary to do so, as in the former edition of 'Yarrell' the Chiffchaff was called by the name Sylvia rufa, and this might possibly have caused some confusion unless the change had been pointed out.

"Deny him my blessing, never!" interrupted the kind Capitana Tinay. "A mother ought not to say that! But I don't know what I should do I don't know I believe I'd die but I shouldn't want to see him again. But what do you think about it, Capitana Maria?" "After all," added Sister Rufa, "it must not be forgotten that it's a great sin to place your hand on a sacred person."

Rufa, a haggard old sibyl, with both private and public reasons for detesting Nero and Nattalis: and all the fitting female attendants to conclude the list. Each scene, in which each act will be included, should be pictorially, so to speak, a tableau in the commencement, and a tableau of situation in the end. Let us draw up upon scene the first.

Sister Rufa was not so keen of hearing, but she could not suffer that Sister Sipa had heard so much and she nothing, so she related a dream in which there had appeared before her many souls not only of the dead but even of the living souls in torment who begged for a part of those indulgences of hers which were so carefully recorded and treasured.

If any person should take a delight to carry about with him in his sedan a pretty lambkin; and should provide clothes, should provide maids and gold for it, as for a daughter, should call it Rufa and Rufilla, and should destine it a wife for some stout husband; the praetor would take power from him being interdicted, and the management of him would devolve to his relations, that were in their senses.