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The first is the very large amount of secondary hemorrhage, and its location, there being sixty-eight ounces removed at one time and fifty at another, and perhaps thirty or forty at another, from just beneath the skin and superficial fascia of the lower part of the back. The second point of interest would be to know from what vessel this hemorrhage took place.

Contused wounds sometimes destroy the skin and fascia over large areas on the lateral patellar region and because of subsequent sloughing of tissue due to infection as well as to the manner in which such wounds are inflicted, septic arthritis subsequently occurs.

The sinus on the back extends from the coccyx to the ribs, and from one ilium to the other. The skin and fascia of the external wall being so thin that the catheter can be seen over the entire extent, as I push it from one part to another for the purpose of washing out all parts of the sack. Patient has been complaining of pain and want of sleep; had a chill last night.

Its cymatium is one seventh of the whole height of the frieze, and the projection of the cymatium is the same as its height. Over the frieze comes the line of dentils, made of the same height as the middle fascia of the architrave and with a projection equal to their height. The cymatium here is one sixth of the whole height of this part.

"Fascia a terra!" repeated the leader of the brigands, emerging from a clump of shrubbery at the head of the pass, motioning his arms violently at dad and the captain, who were inclined to show fight at first; but discretion proved the better part of valour, and they both dropped the pistols they had hurriedly drawn from their pockets, seeing that the rifle barrels covered them, sinking down prone on the earth like the rest of us.

Failing relief, it is better to make a bed for the nerve by dividing the deep fascia behind the medial condyle and to stitch the edges of the fascia over the nerve. This operation has been successful in all the recorded cases.

The front of the grocer's shop badly needed repainting, and the name on the fascia, 'A. Smallman', was so faded as to be almost indecipherable. It had been Owen's intention to offer to do this work the cost to go against his account but the man appeared to be so harassed that Owen refrained from making the suggestion.

Although representing a high degree of the wood-carvers' art, the other doorway is rather over-ornate in its detail. The reeded ovolo is again prominent, and the fascia of the architrave of the arch bears a familiar decorative motive consisting of groups of five flutes in alternation with a conventionalized flower.

In suppuration of the axillary glands the abscess may be quite superficial, or it may be deeply placed beneath the strong fascia and pectoral muscles, according to the group of glands involved. The diagnosis of septic lymphadenitis is usually easy.

Effective use is made of a reeded ovolo, and the fascia of the architrave bears a pleasing hand-tooled band of vertical flutes with a festooned flat fillet running through it. The most distinctive feature, however, is the double denticulated molding of the pedimental cornice with prominent drilled holes in each dentil alternately at top and bottom.