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Cyrus Harding and Gideon Spilett then turned the poor boy over; as they did so, he uttered a moan so feeble that they almost thought it was his last sigh. Herberts back was covered with blood from another contused wound, by which the ball had immediately escaped. "God be praised!" said the reporter, "the ball is not in the body, and we shall not have to extract it."

Wounds of various characters contused, lacerated, and punctured may be produced. There may be burns, vesications, and ecchymoses; arborescent markings are not uncommon. The hair may be singed or burnt and the clothing damaged. Rigor mortis is very rapid in its onset and transient. Post mortem there are no characteristic signs, but the blood may be dark in colour and fluid.

This form of bleeding is serious in those who are the subjects of hæmophilia. The following description of the injuries of arteries refers to the larger, named trunks. The injuries of smaller, unnamed vessels are included in the consideration of wounds and contusions. #Contusion.# An artery may be contused by a blow or crush, or by the oblique impact of a bullet.

He trots down a step or two and heaves the tobacco into the street, resisting, at the last moment, a temptation to hit a mark. He returns up the steps, a bunchy figure, in an enormously heavy, chinchilla, short coat, with blue pantaloons, "Step in," says the voice pleasantly. The action has begun as Corkey has not wished. He is both angry and contused. A spasm seizes his throat. He strangles.

The interference with the circulation, and the damage to the tissues, may be so great that gangrene ensues. Treatment. When an artery has been contused or ruptured, the limb must be placed in the most favourable condition for restoration of the circulation.

Fragments of stone, coal, or metal may lodge in the tissues, and favour the occurrence of infective complications. All such injuries are to be treated on the general principles governing contused and lacerated wounds.

The child had fallen on his arm, which was not broken, but violently contused. The pain must have been intense. I carried the child to his home, and had to remain there some time. I did not see Margrave till the next morning. When he then called, I felt so indignant that I could scarcely speak to him.

There was one thing, however, which he might forgive me, but which I felt that I could forgive neither Raffles nor myself. And that was the contused scalp wound over which I shuddered in the train. "And to think that I did that," I groaned, "and that you laid yourself open to it, and that we have neither of us got another thing to show for our night's work!

"No; there was a long cut or bruise on the right cheek a contused wound the police surgeon called it, which he believes to have been inflicted with a heavy and rather blunt weapon. I have not heard of any other wounds or bruises." "Did anyone enter the train yesterday at Shinglehurst?" Thorndyke asked. "No one entered the train after it left Halbury."

Another young officer of Parma's body-guard, Francois de Liege by name, standing on the Kalloo end of the bridge, rose like a feather into the clouds, and, flying quite across the river, alighted on the opposite bank with no further harm than a contused shoulder.