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They, the rogues, were now in a great hurry to go and apologise also; but their impudence, for a wonder, would not carry them up to the point for action. Whenever we put into Malta, Dicky and I did not fail to call on Signora Faranelli and Signor Bianconi: and many a happy day we spent at their houses.

"The truth," said I. "It's the only thing we can say. Tell our tale from beginning to end." We sent in our cards, with a message to say that two naval officers wished to speak to Signora Faranelli. Adam said he should wait outside for us, and told us to make haste.

We thanked Signora Faranelli very much for her kindness, but explained that we had a friend waiting outside for us, who had, however, nothing to do with the carriage affair. Of course Adam Stallman was requested to come in, and, to my surprise, he consented. "I like what you tell me of the people, D'Arcy, and their acquaintance must be worth making," he observed.

"Oh, you want Signora Faranelli, whose coach was run away with last night by some ragamuffins!" said the master of a small shop where we inquired. "The same," answered Adam. "She and her daughters are staying with Signor Bianconi at the big house, there." Adam led us to the house indicated. "I feel in a great funk," whispered Dicky; "don't you, D'Arcy? What shall we say?"