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"I just came," says Tita smiling, but hesitating on the threshold, as if desirous of an excuse to run away again as quickly as possible, "to see if you were quite comfortable quite happy." "Ah, happy!" says Lady Rylton in a peculiar tone. "Do come in, Tita. It is a fad of mine a silly one, no doubt but I cannot bear to look at an open door. Besides, I wish to speak to you."

We used to arrange them according to the different counties they were in. Miss Harper encouraged that fad; she said it taught us geography." "So it did; but we made the most absurd mistakes sometimes. I remember putting Abingdon down under Devonshire, and Ilkley under Lincolnshire. I used to have to look the places up in the atlas.

All the members of the house-party stared, they had taken scarcely any notice of Cicely Bourne, looking upon her as more or less beneath their notice as a 'child picked up in Paris' a 'waif and stray' a 'fad of Maryllia Vancourt's' and now here was this wild grey-haired man of renown bringing her into sudden prominent notice.

"Yes, yes!" cried the charlatan impatiently. "What's the fad now? It used to be phosphorus." "Ye-es. Phosphorus, maybe. Maybe some kind of hypophosphite, eh?" "Sounds all right. Could you get up a preparation of it that looks tasty and tastes good?" "Sure. Easy." "Fine! I'll send you down the advertising copy, so you'll have that to go by.

And with some reason he thinks so; for not seldom he takes up a foreign idea and tires of it before it is current elsewhere. More than one great writer of England had his first popular recognition in America. Even this season the Saturday Review is struggling with Ibsen, while Boston, having had that disease, has probably gone on to some other fad.

There is one point, however, I can put you wise on she will leave no trunk behind her in Gotown." "You never can tell in advance, Handy; you were always optimistic. Why can't she, if she has a fad in that direction?" "Simply, my friend, because there ain't a hotel in the place, that's why." "What!" cried Smith, in amazement, "no liquor stores in Gotown?" "I didn't say that.

"How dreadfully disagreeable you are, Maria! It's too bad, I declare! I believe you do it on purpose there!" "Do what on purpose? What in the world do you mean?" cried Mrs. Leslie, pausing, sugar-tongs in hand. "You know what I mean!" exclaimed Kate, scarcely able to suppress a sob. "I declare I do not. This is some fad about Doctor Brudenell, I suppose," said the elder sister, resignedly.

Patty and Marian took the back seat of the open carriage, Mr. Hepworth and Kenneth Harper sat facing them. As Marian had already become very much interested in her new fad of authorship, and as under Miss Fischer's tuition she was rapidly developing into a real little blue-stocking, it is not strange that the conversation turned in that direction.

To me this wan desolation of sighing rain is lovely as the sea-washed ruins of cities." "Ah, but you wouldn't like to go out into it," said Peter Crowl. As he spoke the drizzle suddenly thickened into a torrent. "We do not always kiss the woman we love." "Speak for yourself, Denzil. I'm only a plain man, and I want to know if Nature isn't a Fad. Hallo, there goes Mortlake!

It became a fad with him to do without matches, using as a substitute "lights," tapers of twisted paper to be ignited at the famous stove. He found amusement for two days in twisting and rolling these "lights," cutting frills in the larger ends with a pair of scissors, and stacking them afterward in a Chinese flower jar he had bought for the purpose and stood on top of the bookcases.