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"You don't know what we're making for you, all secret, out of worsted, and I shan't tell!" "Mittens?" said aunt Madge, kissing Prudy's lips, which were pressed together over her sweet little secret like a pair of sugar-tongs clinching a lump of sugar. "Mittens? No, indeed! Better'n that! There'll be fringe all over it; it's in a round; it's to put something on, to put the lamp on!"

He opened the closet, counted the teaspoons, weighed the sugar-tongs, closely inspected a silver milk-pot to ascertain that it was of the genuine metal, and, having satisfied his curiosity on these points, put on his cocked hat corner-wise, and danced with much gravity four distinct times round the table.

But he was so much struck by the magnanimity of Mr Dombey, in refusing treasures lying heaped up to his hand, that when he had deposited the teaspoons and sugar-tongs in one pocket, and the ready money in another, and had lowered the great watch down slowly into its proper vault, he could not refrain from seizing that gentleman's right hand in his own solitary left, and while he held it open with his powerful fingers, bringing the hook down upon its palm in a transport of admiration.

'Then, Wal'r, said the Captain, suddenly diving into one of his pockets and bringing up the two teaspoons and the sugar-tongs, with which he had armed himself to meet such an objection, 'take this here trifle of plate, instead. 'No, no, I couldn't indeed! cried Walter, 'a thousand thanks! Don't throw them away, Captain Cuttle! for the Captain was about to jerk them overboard.

Anna had only taken her place at the tea-tray, and was manipulating the curiously-shaped sugar-tongs rather carefully, when Malcolm looked at her a little searchingly. "Hurry up," he said severely; "how long do you suppose I am going to wait for your opinion of the Keston family?"

"Some clever person once said that those who are five minutes late do more to upset the order of the universe than all the anarchists." Madame's white hands fluttered out over the silver coffee service. "One lump or two?" she inquired, with the sugar-tongs poised over his cup. "Two, please." Of course she knew, but she liked to ask.

"Do you know what was in it?" enquired the detective, with a knowing look. "I do, for I packed it," replied the captain; "his kit was in it." "Nothing more?" "Nothin' as I knows of." "Well, I'll take these with me just now," said the officer, placing the fork and sugar-tongs in his pocket. "I'm afraid, old man, that your nephew has been up to mischief before he went away.

I generally borrow Copal's, but the beggar's gone out and locked his door. You ladies will have to imagine you're at Oxford." Mrs. Sylvester looked bewildered, and paused with one hand on the Satsuma teapot. "Don't you know, mamma, it isn't form, don't you say? to have sugar-tongs at Oxford? It was one of the things Charles always objected to.

"Now, Miss O'Kelly," said Bingham, "do let me manage the coffee-pot; the cream-jug and sugar-tongs will be quite enough for your energies." "Indeed and I won't, Mr Blake; you're a great deal too awkward, and a great deal too hungry. The last hunt-morning you breakfasted here you threw the coffee-grouts into the sugar-basin, when I let you help me."

Tulliver, beseechingly, "and the sugar-tongs the first things ever I bought." "But that can't be helped, you know," said Mr. Glegg. "If one o' the family chooses to buy 'em in, they can, but one thing must be bid for as well as another." "And it isn't to be looked for," said uncle Pullet, with unwonted independence of idea, "as your own family should pay more for things nor they'll fetch.