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For at this time he built, and soon after endowed, the little village church of Allerheiligen, on the outskirts of the industrial town of Grenchen, which lies at the southern foot of the Jura. Facilis descensus! Another turn of the centuries' wheel and the gift of this chapel's founder was once again thought unworthy of the altar to which it had been presented.

/Facilis est descensus Averni/. When a man of the character of Edward Cossey, or indeed of any character, allows his passions to lead him into a course of deceit, he does not find it easy to check his wild career. From dishonour to dishonour shall he go till at length, in due season, he reaps as he has sown.

He smoked, he could call for a "small port" in quite an off-hand fashion, he had played "shell out" with loafers at the little "'ouse," and he began to know a little more of betting, "gee-gees," and other kindred matters, than an average young fellow should know. "Facilis descensus Averni" you know the old tag.

But so poor and sexless a beast as this seeming in the popular mind inadequate to a man of Cesare's mettle, it presently improved upon and converted it into a bull so much more appropriate, too, as being the emblem of his house. Nor does it seem that even then the story has gone far enough. Facilis inventis addere.

What can be got by touting among the critics is never worth the ignominy. The same may, of course, be said of all things acquired by ignominious means. But in this matter it is so easy to fall into the dirt. Facilis descensus Averni. There seems to be but little fault in suggesting to a friend that a few words in this or that journal would be of service.

We turned out of one of the streets not far from the hotel, and found ourselves facing an ascent which looked like what I should suppose would be a pretty steep toboggan slide. We both drew back. "Facilis ascensus," I said to myself, "sed revocare gradum." It is easy enough to get up if you are dragged up, but how will it be to come down such a declivity?

"Enter," said Piero; "the signor will receive you." "Facilis est descensus Averni," I murmured to myself, and led the way, and the gate was shut behind us. Before us lay a short drive bordered with tall poplars, and on either hand a tangle of a garden that had run to a wilderness.

Martial has given us a very pretty Picture of one of this Species in the following Epigram: Difficilis, facilis, jucundus, acerbus es idem, Nec tecum possum vivere, nec sine te. In all thy Humours, whether grave or mellow, Thou'rt such a touchy, testy, pleasant Fellow; Hast so much Wit, and Mirth, and Spleen about thee, There is no living with thee, nor without thee.

"The last loud trumpet-notes on high Peal through the echoing sky, And cleave the quivering ground" breaking, with dreadful summons, "the eternal calm wherewith the grave is bound." "Facilis descensus!"

"The devil fetched me, I guess." He was far gone in liquor. "I am like Mr. Sterne's starling: 'I can't get out. Ever read Mr. Sterne's what is it? oh, his 'Sentimental Journey'?" Here was one worse than I, and I felt inclined to use what Friends call a precious occasion, a way being opened. "This is a sad business, Savoy," I said. "Dre'ful," he returned. "Facilis descensus taverni.