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These mariners made us wait while they finished their preparations. It meant a long voyage to them, a facilis descensus Averni; sed revocare gradum, a very long pull. Then the bow was poled off, the current took us in its arms and swung us out into the stream, and the crowd on the shingle dropped perspectively astern.

I do not know that his theory is one more comfortable for his country than my own. Whether or no any backward step can now be taken whether these elections can again be put into the hands of men fit to exercise a choice in such a matter may well be doubted. Facilis descensus Averni. But the recovery of the downward steps is very difficult.

For at this time he built, and soon after endowed, the little village church of Allerheiligen, on the outskirts of the industrial town of Grenchen, which lies at the southern foot of the Jura. Facilis descensus! Another turn of the centuries' wheel and the gift of this chapel's founder was once again thought unworthy of the altar to which it had been presented.

The Saint has no place for him, and the ruler of the lower regions fears the disturbance that he will make in hell. The quarrel is cut short by the arrival of Clement himself upon the spot, who, finding no entrance into heaven, declares that he will force himself into hell: "Tartara tentemus, facilis descensus Averni."

/Facilis est descensus Averni/. When a man of the character of Edward Cossey, or indeed of any character, allows his passions to lead him into a course of deceit, he does not find it easy to check his wild career. From dishonour to dishonour shall he go till at length, in due season, he reaps as he has sown.

Well, you will see greater splendours than these, I hope. Now let us march: march!" He had better have said slide, for we did nothing but drop down the steep inclines. It was the facifs descensus Averni of Virgil. The compass, which I consulted frequently, gave our direction as southeast with inflexible steadiness. This lava stream deviated neither to the right nor to the left.

"Lopez, I say!" continued he, calling louder. "Aca, aca!" "Lopez, these I perceive are gentlemen of rank, and we must send them out of the world a little more gracefully, do you hear?" "Yes, Captain," answered the other, with stoical composure. "Over the cliffs, Lopez. Facilis descensus Averni but you don't understand Latin, Lopez. Over the cliffs, do you hear? You understand that?"

Thus will he inevitably commit himself, at once, to his political destruction. His downfall, too, will not be more precipitate than awkward. It is all very well to talk about the facilis descensus Averni; but in all kinds of climbing, as Catalani said of singing, it is far more easy to get up than to come down. In the present instance I have no sympathy at least no pity for him who descends.

She no longer retained her peculiar characters, or produced that appropriate frame of spirit by which her followers had been characterized. Facilis descensus. The example thus set was followed during the present century, and its effect was aided by various causes already pointed out.

"Poh!" said Jorrocks, "did you ever know a Surrey fox not take to the hills? If he does not, I'll eat him without mint sauce," again harping on the quarter of lamb. Facilis descensus Averni two-thirds of the field went down, leaving Jorrocks, two horse-dealers in scarlet, three chicken-butchers, half a dozen swells in leathers, a whip, and the Yorkshireman on the summit.