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She's waitin' for me, she an' the kid, an' they know I'm coming in the spring. Yessir, I killed a man. An' they want to kill me for it. That's the law Canadian law the law that wants an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, an' where there ain't no extenuatin' circumstance. They call it murder. But it wasn't was it?" He waited for an answer.

"I presume you mean there has been a railroad wreck?" "That's it, Perfessor. De extenuatin' circumstances ob transmigration " "That will do, Washington!" said the aged man, somewhat sternly. "You must stop talking, and act. This is no time for foolishness. There may be people hurt. Come along and let us see what we can do." "Yes, sah!" replied the negro, calming down.

So I went on stringin' one year after another. But they wouldn't join on to them that went before. There was the knot." "It was between you and him and the law?" said Paul. "You've got it! I was there alone with it, witness an' judge an' jury; I worked up my own case. Manslaughter with extenuatin' circumstances, I made it though he was more beast than man.

"Oh, well," said he, "it might, perhaps, have been worse, although I admit that was unlikely. I couldn't prove an alibi, but there were extenuatin' circumstances. The fact was, I got the politics of the place mixed up almost as bad as the People's Choice. That community woke up as one man at six-thirty the next morning, and turned out to see the evidence of their progress.

On his honest old face was a look of utter bewilderment; for the life of him he couldn't decide whether he or every one else had gone crazy. King flushed under the look, but nodded and managed a calm "Yes, Jim." Summerling cleared his throat and thereafter scratched his head. "It's irregular. I told Gratton that. But he said there was was extenuatin' circumstances and all that.