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The learning of a Salmasius or a Burman, unless you are its master, will be your tyrant. “Imperat aut servit;” if you can wield it with a strong arm, it is a great weapon; otherwise, Vis consili expers Mole ruit suâ. You will be overwhelmed, like Tarpeia, by the heavy wealth which you have exacted from tributary generations.

There is something almost sublime in the spectacle of this untiring activity of shoulder and elbow. The mere shoving vis consilî expers would never bring her near to her goal. An adept in the art of pushing does not rely on sheer impudence alone. She has recourse to artificial aids and appliances. A great deal of ingenuity is exhibited in the selection of her self-propelling machinery.

Imperat aut servit; if you can wield it with a strong arm, it is a great weapon; otherwise, Vis consili expers Mole ruit suâ. You will be overwhelmed, like Tarpeia, by the heavy wealth which you have exacted from tributary generations. Instances abound; there are authors who are as pointless as they are inexhaustible in their literary resources.

But who likewise can have felt, as he did, the overmastering flood of northern tribes vis consili expers which had descended on the empire in his own lifetime. As a boy he must have known the great Theodosius ruling by force of mind that warlike but savage host of Teuton mercenaries.

When the Czar, by his malevolent obstinacy, finally brought these two men to accord, it was deemed needful to adopt various devices in order to shatter the forces which Russian diplomacy had succeeded in piling up in its own path. But here again we are reminded of the Horatian precept Vis consili expers mole ruit sua.

This is precisely the division of functions made by Ovid, as the father sees Hercules perishing on the funeral pyre. "Nec nisi materna Vulcanum parte potentem Sentiet. Aeternum est a me quod traxit et expers Atque immune necis, nullaqe domabile flamma." He is not enough acquainted with natural history to make valuable observations.