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When the old man rang the evening-bell on the Thanksgiving-Day whereof I write, he aroused Jacob and his wife from deep reverie. "Oh, Jacob!" said the latter, "such a waking dream as I have had! I thought they all stood before me, all, every one, none missing! And they were little children again, and had come to say their prayers before going to bed!

A wine-bibber, dissolute, passionate, headstrong, having no reverence for God or man, no love for his mother, no sense of duty towards his father; I have disowned him, once and forever, and utterly cast him out! Let him beware and not come back to tempt me to curse him!" Still from the distance, overpowering and drowning the headlong rush of passion, came the soft booming of the evening-bell.

In those times, people held to the singular opinion, that the night was made to sleep in; they inferred it from a general confidence they had in the wisdom of Mother Nature, supposing that she did not put out her lights and draw her bed-curtains and hush all noise in her great world-house without strongly intending that her children should go to sleep; and the consequence was, that very soon after sunset the whole community very generally set their faces bedward, and the toll of the nine-o'clock evening-bell had an awful solemnity in it, sounding to the full.

"Farewell, farewell!" sounded from both sides, and, accompanied by the sound of the evening-bell from the near village, for it was sunset, the carriage rolled away. "Dance and stamp Till the shoe-soles drop!" Danish Popular Song. On the following day should the much-talked-of mowing-festival take place. For his house and land he must pay a tribute, and this consists in labor.

Tibbs's mother, saw him napping in Mrs. Wyllys's parlour, with a rose-bud in his button-hole, and the Ancient Mariner in his hand. She was quite too experienced in her vocation, not to draw her own conclusions; and a suspicion, once excited, was instantly communicated to others. The news spread like wild-fire; and when the evening-bell rang, it had become a confirmed fact in many houses, that Mrs.

Against Sir Hugh Montgomery His shaft full right he set; The gray-goose-wing that was thereon In his heart's blood was wet. This fight from break of day did last Till setting of the sun, For when they rang the evening-bell The battle scarce was done. With stout Earl Percy there was slain Sir John of Egerton, Sir Robert Harcliff and Sir William, Sir James, that bold baron.

In brotherly embrace walked the Angel of Sleep and the Angel of Death upon the earth. It was evening. They laid themselves down upon a hill not far from the dwelling of men. A melancholy silence prevailed around, and the chimes of the evening-bell in the distant hamlet ceased.

"We will leave the mill!" said Otto, and sought to lead her from her reflections back to her own relation. "We find ourselves in the wood, where the ringing of the evening-bell reaches our ear from the little chapel in Franche Compté." "There stands my father's house!" said Rosalie. The sun shines upon the river, which, far below, winds along, gleaming like the clearest silver."