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It was quite dark there, and Jurgen went in alone, and wondering what would happen next: but this scented darkness he found of excellent augury, if only because it prevented his shadow from following him. "Now, you who claim to be flesh and blood, and King of Eubonia, too," says the voice of Queen Dolores, "what is this nonsense you were talking about proving any such claims by mathematics?"

Now it appears that the forefathers of the flesh and blood prisoner were of a different faith from the progenitors of these obsolete illusions, and that his fathers foretold quite different things, and that their limbo was called Hell." "It is little you know," says Jurgen, "of the religion of Eubonia."

"We have it written down in this great book," the priest of Vel-Tyno then told him, "every word of it without blot or error." "Then you will see that the King of Eubonia is the head of the church there, and changes all the prophecies at will.

I do not blame you men of Eubonia, because all men are in such matters perfectly irresponsible. And perhaps it is not altogether the fault of the women, either, though I do think any really self-respecting woman would have the strength of character to keep out of such irregular relations, and that much I am compelled to say.

"Why, you must know," he said, modestly, "that I have lately become King of Eubonia, and must dress according to my station." So they said they had always expected some such high honor to befall him, and then the three of them fell to talking.

However, I am that Jurgen who recently made himself Emperor of Noumaria, King of Eubonia, Prince of Cocaigne, and Duke of Logreus; and of whom you have doubtless heard." "Why, to be sure!" says she, patting her hair straight. "And who would have anticipated meeting your highness in such a place!" "One says 'majesty' to an emperor, my dear.

And Jurgen perceived that either he had not employed his cantrap correctly or else that its magic was unappreciated by the leaders of Philistia. Farewell to Chloris Now the Philistines led out their prisoners, and made ready to inflict the doom which was decreed. And they permitted the young King of Eubonia to speak with Chloris. "Farewell to you now, Jurgen!" says Chloris, weeping softly.

"Otherwise, you are not markedly unlike the women of Eubonia," said Jurgen. And now Jurgen met many of the People of the Wood; but since the tree of Chloris stood upon the verge of the forest, he saw far more of the People of the Field, who dwelt between the forest and the city of Pseudopolis.

"Well, and do you not perceive I have withdrawn my staff from its hiding-place?" "Ah, you have great faith in that staff of yours!" "I fear nobody when I brandish it." Another locust had answered the first one. Now the two insects were in full dispute, suffusing the warm darkness with their pertinacious whirrings. "King of Eubonia, it is certainly true, that which you told me about olives."

"For in Eubonia," he said, "we are taught that your wife's relatives will never find fault with you to your face so long as you keep away from them. And more than that, no sensible man expects." Meanwhile, King Jurgen was perplexed by the People of the Field, who were his neighbors. They one and all did what they had always done.