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The Queen attended docilely to his demonstration of the peculiar properties of NINE. And when he had ended she confessed that beyond doubt NINE should be regarded as miraculous. But she repudiated his analogues as to the muses, the lives of a cat, and how many tailors made a man. "Rather, I shall remember always," she declared, "that King Jurgen of Eubonia is a NINE days' wonder."

Three considerable islands belong to it; one, on the south, opposite the Armorican shore, called Wight;* another between Ireland and Britain, called Eubonia or Man; and another directly north, beyond the Picts, named Orkney; and hence it was anciently a proverbial expression, in reference to its kings and rulers, "He reigned over Britain and its three islands." * Inis-gueith, or Gueith.

"Sometimes," said Chloris, "I wonder if there is any such place as your fine kingdom of Eubonia: for certainly it grows larger and more splendid every time you talk of it." "Now can it be," asks Jurgen, more hurt than angry, "that you suspect me of uncandid dealing and, in short, of being an impostor!" "Why, what does it matter? You are Jurgen," she answered, happily.

Last of all came one Hoctor, who continued there, and whose descendants remain there to this day. Istoreth, the son of Istorinus, with his followers, held Dalrieta; Buile had the island Eubonia, and other adjacent places.

"And why do you do these things year in and year out?" asked Jurgen. "Why, King of Eubonia, we have always done these things," they said, in high astonishment. "Yes, but why not stop occasionally?" "Because in that event the work would stop. The corn would die, the cattle would perish, and the Fields would become jungles."

But in Eubonia, now! well, really some day we must return to my kingdom, and you shall inspect for yourself a dozen or two of my cities Ziph and Eglington and Poissieux and Gazden and Baeremburg, at all events. And then you will concede with me that this little village of Pseudopolis, while well enough in its way !" And Jurgen shrugged. "But as for saying more!"

I put it to you fairly, King Jurgen: now how could this conceivably have come about unless the Author sometimes composes nonsense?" "Truly the way that you express it, Horvendile, the thing does seem a little strange; and I can think of no explanation rendering it plausible." "Again, see now, King Jurgen of Eubonia, how you underrate the Author's ability.

"For I am no illusion," he asserted. "I am manifestly flesh and blood, and in addition, I am the high King of Eubonia, and no less. Why, in disputing these facts you contest circumstances that are so well known hereabouts as to rank among mathematical certainties. And that makes you look foolish, as I tell you for your own good."

So he in turn confessed to her he was King Jurgen of Eubonia, drawn from his remote kingdom by exaggerated reports as to the beauty of Queen Helen. Chloris agreed with him that rumor was in such matters invariably untrustworthy.

"No, Jurgen," said Chloris, sadly, "it is a rule with Jugatinus never to leave the island; and indeed I am sure he has never even considered such unheard-of conduct: so, of course, the people of other countries are not able to get married." "Well, but, Chloris, in Eubonia " "Now if you do not mind, dear, I think we had better talk about something more pleasant.