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In 1774 a correspondent of Wieland’s Merkur writes, begging this authoritative periodical to condemn a weekly paper just started in Prague, entitledWochentlich Etwas,” which is said to be written in the style of Tristram Shandy and the Sentimental Journey, M

The savory fumes of hot sauerkraut aroused the warrior from his reveries, and he asked, in vociferous delight: "Was haben sie? Kohlen, nicht wahr sauerkraut das is aber schon?" "Yes, mein golonel, I hof cabbage und sauerkraut und" looking about circumspectly "etwas schnapps aus Antwerpen gebracht?"

Which is Yiddish for "has any one anything to say against me?" "No!" came in a vehement roar. "Hot aner etwas zu sagen gegen dem secretary?" "No!" "Hot aner etwas zu sagen gegen dem treasurer?" "No!" Having thus shown his grasp of logical exhaustiveness in a manner unduly exhausting to the more intelligent, Wolf consented to resume his oration.

The rising, eager phrase is disguised in dancing pace, and grows to a graceful turn of tune. An end comes, poco agitato, with rude intrusion of the hymnal march in harsh contrast of rough discord; the note of anxious fear, too, strikes in again. But suddenly, etwas breiter, a new joyous mood frightens away the birds of evil omen.

Art, gentlemen, is nourished upon inequalities and injustices!" "Wie kann man so etwas sagen!" It may be well that justice should be established, even though art perish. I simply state a fact!" See what plutocracy already makes of art!" Here one of the Germans insisted on a hearing; a fine fellow, with Samsonic locks and a ringing voice.

Wherein is the type fulfilled?" Luther to Spalatin, June 8th: "Gegen den Esel von Alveld werde ich menen Angriff so enrichten dass ich des römischen Pabstes nich uneingedenk bin, und werde keinem von beiden etwas schenken. Denn solches erfordert der Stoff mit Nothwendigkeith. Endlicheinmal müssen die Geheimnisse des Antichrist offenbart werden.

"Why, the ladies; and the Konigstochter said, 'Ach hormal, da schreit so etwas." "In German?"

The question of the retention, of the functionary was put to the vote. But there was much confusion, for the East-End Jew is only slowly becoming a political animal. The ayes had it, but Wolf was not yet satisfied with the satisfaction of the gathering. He repeated the entire batch of questions in a new formula so as to drive them home. "Hot aner etwas zu sagen gegen mir?"

In one of the cavalry charges toward the close of the battle of Ligny, Bluecher had been overthrown, ridden over, almost taken prisoner, and severely bruised; but the gallant old hussar was almost himself again next morning, thanks to copious doses of gin and rhubarb, for the effluvium of which restorative he apologised to Hardinge as he embraced that wounded officer, in the extremely plain expression, "Ich stinke etwas."

Kar means to bewitch, as in German we have einem etwas anthun, in low Latin facturare, in Italian fattucchiere, and from Kar we have carmen, a song or magic formula. The goddess Carmenta, who was supposed to watch over childbirth, derived her name from carmen, the magic formula which was used to aid the delivery. The name was also used for a prophetess, as Carmenta, the mother of Evander.