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But in anither month, faith, I thocht that she wad hae etten me, an' afore the year was oot I wussed she had. Aye, aye, sir, it's waur nor a lottery, mairriage it's a great mystery." "But how is it, then, that you are so anxious to get married again?" asked Ralph, to whom these conversations with the Cuif were a means of lightening his mind of his own cares.

It asked for the placing in the field of a sufficient number of women organizers to labor in behalf of the emancipation of women of the wage-working class. In 1891 there were present at the annual convention of the American Federation of Labor Mrs. Eva McDonald Valesh and Miss Ida Van Etten. A committee was appointed with Mrs. Valesh as chairman and Miss Van Etten as secretary.

"If we were in there now," said Olly, watching the river with great excitement, "the water would push us down krick! and the fishes would come and etten us all up." "They'd be a long time gobbling you up, Master Fatty," said his father. "Come, run along; it's too cold to stand about." But how brilliant and beautiful it was after the rain!

Lovely great big suge ones. Get 'em for my brekfust." Reluctantly the scout turned to perform his deed of kindness. Thomas consumed blackberries faster than William could gather them. "Up there," he commanded. "No, the one right up there I want. I want it kick. I've etten all the others." William was scratched and breathless, and his shirt was torn when at last the rapacious Thomas was satisfied.

"What's de matteh wid dem b'iled pertaters, suh?" "Matter with them? Nothing! They are fine." "Well, den, suh, if dere ain't nothin' de matteh wid de vittels, dere suttinly mus' be somefin de matteh wid you, Marse Kenneth. Yo' all ain't etten enough fo' to fill a grasshoppeh." "I am not hungry," apologized his master, quite humbly. "'Cause why?

Why, the other day she was having her temperature taken, and when the nurse turned her head away there was no thermometer to be seen. 'What have you done with it? she says. 'Why, I declare, I must have etten it, says this old lady. What do you think of that?" The old woman turned over in bed, and her innocent eyes closed with a patient expression.

It was Amos; he'd lossen his footing on the stepping-stones going across Wharfe, and the spate had carried him downstream and drowned him. It wasn't Jerry's clog-print on the ashes, it was Amos's; and the Lord had taen away my eldest barn frae me because I'd etten o' the Tree o' Knowledge." II. Janet's Cove

There's only three currants in my bit, and cookie puts such a lot in at home. I'm pretending they're little children wanting to play, only they can't, they're so far off. There, I've etten one up. Now there's only two. That's you and me, Milly. I'll eat you up first krick!" "Never mind about the currants, little master," said Mrs. Backhouse, laughing at him.