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Authorities are agreed that prognosis is entirely unfavorable in mature animals, when the case is viewed from an economic standpoint. Tarsal Sprains. Etiology and Occurrence. The hock joint is often subjected to great strain because of the structural nature of this part and its relation to the hip as well as the manner in which the tarsus functionates during locomotion.

*Intellectual Work.* Finally, is is evident that mental application or the concentration of attention on an intellectual accomplishment will result, especially often in youthful persons, but in older persons as well, in a simultaneous sexual excitement, which may be looked upon as the only justified basis for the otherwise so doubtful etiology of nervous disturbances from mental "overwork."

Anatomy. Etiology and Occurrence. As the result of direct injury to this nerve by contusion such as may be received in runaway accidents, collar bruises, especially collar bruises in young horses that are not accustomed to pulling and that walk in a manner to cause side draft, injury to the nerve occurs, and partial or complete paralysis supervenes.

They are to be distinguished from such over-growths as are of the nature of simple hypertrophy or local giantism, and also from inflammatory swellings, which usually develop under the influence of a definite cause, have a natural termination, and tend to disappear when the cause ceases to act. The etiology of tumours is imperfectly understood.

Since authorities are agreed that most cases of lameness in the hind leg are due to hock affection, and because the majority of cases of lameness which have the tarsal region as the seat of trouble are instances of spavin lameness, this disease merits all the attention it has received. Etiology and Occurrence.

The fact that the wish-fulfillment, which is the essence of the dream, disguises itself in such an unpleasant form, has perhaps more than one reason. From my essay on the etiology of anxiety neuroses, you will see that I note interrupted coitus as one of the factors which cause the development of neurotic fear.

Indeed, it was not until about the year 1865 that the real clew was discovered which gave the same impetus to pathology that the demonstration of the germ theory of disease gave at about the same time to etiology, or the study of causes of disease.

The radial nerve supplies branches to the three heads of the triceps brachii, to the common and lateral extensors of the digit and also to the skin covering the forearm. Etiology and Occurrence. Nothing definite is known about the cause of some forms of radial paralysis.

But if subjects are kept quiet after the parts have been properly bandaged, no difficulty is encountered in maintaining asepsis in an uninfected wound. Recovery takes place in favorable cases in from three weeks to three months, depending on the nature and extent of injuries inflicted. Etiology and Occurrence.

Through the able efforts of Her Majesty's surgeons in India the presence of ainhum has been shown in India, and considerable investigation made as to its etiology, pathologic histology, etc. Wise at Dacca, Smyth and Crombie at Calcutta, Henderson at Bombay, and Warden, Sen, Crawford, and Cooper in other portions of Southern India have all rendered assistance in the investigation of ainhum.