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"Stolen away, sir, by the etarnal Old Scratch! Carried off by Roaring Ralph Stackpole, while I, like a brute, war sound a-sleeping! And h'yar's the knavery of the thing; sir! the unpronounceable rascality, sir!

The members are cunnin' critters, too; they know this feelin', and when they come home from Assembly, and people ax 'em, 'where are all them 'ere fine things you promised us? 'Why, they say, 'we'd a had 'em all for you, but for that etarnal Council, they nullified all we did. The country will come to no good till them chaps show their respect for it, by covering their bottoms with homespun.

"You're right. There, Chub, there's a knife for you. You're a good little fellow, as well as you knows how to be." Chub grinned, took the knife, opened both blades, and nodding his head, made off without a word. "The etarnal little heathen! Never to say so much as thank ye." "Nebber mind, Misser Bunce; dat's de 'spectable t'ing wha' you do.

"I don't know what she's stayin' with that feller Crewe for," the farmer remarked; "of all the etarnal darn idiots why, Brush Bascom and that Botcher and the rest of 'em are trailin' him along and usin' him for the best thing that ever came down here. He sets up to be a practical man, and don't know as much as some of us hayseeds in the back seats. Where be you goin'?"

But no sooner had I beaten the retreat than the men gathered here and there in groups that smouldered with mutiny, and I noted that some of the officers were amongst these. Once in a while a sentence like a flaming brand was flung out. Their time was up, their wives and children for all they knew sculped by the red varmints, and, by the etarnal, Clark or no man living could keep them.

It starts in to rain, an' the storm prounces down on Grief like a mink: on a settin' hen. One of his pards sees him across the branch an' thinks he's asleep. So he shouts an' yells at him. "'Whoopee, Grief! he sings over to where Grief's layin' all quiled up same as a water-moccasin snake, an' the rain peltin' into him like etarnal wrath; 'wake up thar an' crawl for cover!

"Stan' yur groun'!" shouted the squatter in a tone of menace "stan' yur groun'! Don't dar to turn yur face from me! Ef ye do, ye'll only get the bullet in yur back. Now, confess! or, by the etarnal God! you hain't another second to sit in that seddle!" The quick threatening manner in which the speaker grasped his gun, told Stebbins that prevarication would be idle.

"Not an iota," replied the youth, faintly, "except them etarnal slugs I fetched from old Salt; but, I reckon, they've done for me: I felt 'em a dropping, a dropping inside, all night. And so, father, if you'll jist say I've done as much as my duty, I'll not make no fuss about going."

"Why, darn it," he exclaimed, "if that beant Archer! and a hull grist of boys he's brought along with him, too, any how. How are you, Harry, who've you got along? It's so etarnal thunderin' dark as I carnt see 'em no how!" "Frank and the Commodore, that's all," Archer replied, "and how are you, old Corporation?" "Oh! oh!

"How could he do otherwise? He hadn't a spark o' fire, an' nothing to make one out of." "Yur'n etarnal fool!" exclaimed Rube, turning savagely on the last speaker. "I kud make a fire if thur wa'n't a spark anywhar!" A yell of laughter followed this speech, and it was some minutes before the trapper recovered his temper sufficiently to resume his narration.